DayZ 1.7.7 Cannot loot backpack due to anti-dupe


Hi all,

Not sure if anyone else is getting this issue but on my server since 1.7.7 you cant loot a backpack as it states anti duping, please wait... Is there anyway I can turn this off?

Many Thanks in advance
just scroll mouse and right click to select it from list of options.

if you try to pickup by pressing your middle mouse wheel button, then it wont work.
yep tried that, as that is how I usually pick up a bp. I have hunted through both server.pbo and mission.pbo for anything related and nothing. I am at a complete loss.
What mods do you run on the server? any anti-hacks?

If you are running an anti-hack try disabling it to test if it is blocking it. If not I will be happy to help check things out with you.
Hi Silver,

Yes I use Blur's anti-hax the paid for version and have the following additions on the server running without any errors (Both client side and server side)

  • Building loot spawn fixed - more medical supplies
  • excelsior bridge
  • 2 x 3d editor building additions
  • night time fog - low level
  • street lights / house lights
  • 2 x community (humanity restricted / zed nuked) areas
  • Dynamic Weather - Custom
  • Auto Re-Fuel
  • Strip Vehicle Parts
  • Permanent Debug Monitor
  • Self Bloodbag
  • Remove Clothes from dead players
  • GC Vehicle Flip
  • DayZ AI
  • Blur Gaming (Paid Version) Anti-Hack - All S_player & Menu items added to whitelist.
This issue only started happening since 1.7.7 and it even happens if you drop your own backpack and go to re-pick it up. Making looting backpacks invalid till fixed... As I use DayZcc I noticed there are files missing from the official 1.7.7 update to CC than the standard 1.7.7 server pbo I.E the anti-dupe sqf's are not in the server pbo. so how is it even calling for them from the dayz_code =/
Have you tried turning off the anti-hack to test if it is blocking it? I would hate to start debugging this and find it is the anti-hacks working against us.
Not as of yet, I am just about to start doing said actions to pinpoint the culprit will let you know if AH is the cause.
ok I turned off the anti hax and still this error persist's I have done some digging in the dayz_code.pbo and found this in: dayz_code\actions\

_playerID = getPlayerUID player;
player removeAction s_player_holderPickup;
_text = getText (configFile >> _type >> _classname >> "displayName");
if (!canPickup) exitwith {
    if (pickupInit) then {
        cutText ["[ANTI-DUPE] You must wait to pickup this item!","PLAIN DOWN"]
    } else {
        cutText ["[ANTI-DUPE] You may only pickup one item at a time!","PLAIN DOWN"]

So next thing to do is find out where this file is called, add this to a fixes directory and remove:

if (!canPickup) exitwith {
    if (pickupInit) then {
        cutText ["[ANTI-DUPE] You must wait to pickup this item!","PLAIN DOWN"]
    } else {
        cutText ["[ANTI-DUPE] You may only pickup one item at a time!","PLAIN DOWN"]

That is the code for it yes. Sadly removing it won't help you. object_pickup.sqf is called by \sayz_code\init\object_pickupAction.sqf and so even if it is changed in your mission file, the server will still pull it from dayz_code. I have not found where the call is for sayz_code\init\object_pickupAction.sqf so I have no leads as to how to overwrite it.
yep using the 1.7.7 BE filters... So is this an isolated issue or is anyone else getting this anti duping bug?
EVERYONE else is getting it. and it's becoming a major issue.
someone that can figure out a bypass for this, or how to erase the whole damn thing, and exception or....something...
can have every can of beans i've got saved up.
paste this at the end of your init.sqf (mpmission)
if (!isDedicated) then
    while {true} do {
        //hint str(typeof player);
            if ( (typeof(_x) isKindOf "Bag_Base_EP1") and (_x getVariable ["Dupe", true]) ) then
                _name = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeof(_x) >> "displayName");
                _x removeAction s_player_holderPickup;
                _x setVariable ["Dupe", false];
                s_player_holderPickup = _x addAction [format[(localize "str_init_take"), _name], "custom\object_pickup.sqf",["CfgVehicles",typeof(_x),_x], 20, true, true];
        } foreach (position player nearObjects 50);
        sleep 2;

Then, make a custom folder and put your modified object_pickup.sqf in that folder

No more anti-Dupe
TY Hangender, Will try this out ASAP. Also on a further addition to this Raz0r has let it be known that this issue including others are going to be addressed in a update tomorrow:

[quote name='R4Z0R49' timestamp='1371400882' post='1372925']
You will have to wait till tomorrow.
paste this at the end of your init.sqf (mpmission)
if (!isDedicated) then
    while {true} do {
        hint str(typeof player);
            if ( (typeof(_x) isKindOf "Bag_Base_EP1") and (_x getVariable ["Dupe", true]) ) then
                _name = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeof(_x) >> "displayName");
                _x removeAction s_player_holderPickup;
                _x setVariable ["Dupe", false];
                s_player_holderPickup = _x addAction [format[(localize "str_init_take"), _name], "custom\object_pickup.sqf",["CfgVehicles",typeof(_x),_x], 20, true, true];
        } foreach (position player nearObjects 50);
        sleep 2;

Then, make a custom folder and put your modified object_pickup.sqf in that folder

No more anti-Dupe

Take out
        hint str(typeof player);

If you dont want your skin to be displayed every 5 seconds in top right.
I tried it, but so far it hasn't worked...

I have another idea that might work... If someone else doesn't get to it first...
If object_pickupAction.sqf links to object_pickup.sqf why not move the compiles for dayz_code into the mission pbo along with the object_pickupAction.sqf and object_pickup.sqf. Then change the location everything is executed? Then you should be able to change the object_pickup.sqf no?
nvm, I started looking through dayz_code and found that certain weapons/items are defined in a config to execute the object_pickupaction.sqf so not sure how to work around that.