DayZ + ACRE available?


New Member
i a am new in this nice Forum and i have a Question. Have anyone a Private Hive DayZ + ACRE Version for us? ACRE provides a great atmosphere ans we would like to have it in DayZ!
Yes, i have.

Work fine.

Instal TS3, keybind your push-to-talk

Just copy our @ACRE / @Jayarma2lib in your main repertory of arma 2 OA

Copy the content of userconfig "acre" in your userconfig of your main repertory.

Copy the right .dll (x32 or x64) and paste in your TeamSpeak/plugins repertory.

Launch Arma2 OA & TS3 as administrator.

Activate @ACRE / @Jayarma2lib in your extention menu.

Remove your IG voice in "network" (not sur for the translate) and your push to talk. And bind another hotkey. (i use ²)


Ps: Create some Radio crate in your map, cause the radio of ACRE are non lootable.
Tank you for anwser but do i understand correctly the radios are never lootable?
Can i make them lootable when i modify the DayZ Code?
Tank you for anwser but do i understand correctly the radios are never lootable?
Can i make them lootable when i modify the DayZ Code?

You could make them lootable by adding "vehicles" to your vehicle table that are actually weapons crates containing radios. Then just add spawn points for these vehicles/crates to the world_vehicles table

Or you could just change the instance table so your default starting loadout contains a radio.

Or you could replace a useless item like a sandbag or bear trap with a radio using the following method -
I have tried some things!

Tried to get the ACRE radios spawned with 3D editor! didnt work but every other buildings and stuff do work!
Tried to make a radio as global loadout! that didnt work either!

What now?
It works just fine in the global loadout as of

Here is ours for Namalsk


Bare in mind when a player gets a radio it is assigned an id

e.g ACRE_PRC148_1 so it is important that the radio starts out like above

I hope this helps
Anyone with a working copy of ACRE mind sharing their scripts.txt?

Takes so long to manually find each exception and I have these to find for both ACRE and JSRS :(

Most people seem to advise just commenting the line causing the kick out, this seems very dumb to me.
Okay guys! i get kicked for

26.02.2013 17:18:31: =JSOC=PV2.Rego.J ( 5195ee071c22757af9f63229b447a9e5 - #138 " "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_selectRandom.sqf";   
if (isServer) then {
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\d"
26.02.2013 17:18:31: =JSOC=PV2.Rego.J ( 5195ee071c22757af9f63229b447a9e5 - #2 "(count _x != 1) then {
_x set [0, (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [_key, _x select 1]];
} forEach _value;
26.02.2013 17:18:31: =JSOC=PV2.Rego.J ( 5195ee071c22757af9f63229b447a9e5 - #35 "if !(isMultiplayer) then { { (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers _x } forEach ["KeyUp", "KeyDown"] };
if (isS"
26.02.2013 17:18:31: =JSOC=PV2.Rego.J ( 5195ee071c22757af9f63229b447a9e5 - #126 "\cba\addons\events\XEH_preClientInit.sqf"
["CBA_playerSpawn", {  }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
SLX_XEH_STR spawn {

What i see i get kicked for the file fn_selectRandom.sqf?? but if i turn of battleye i dont get kicked! but what does fn_selectRandom.sqf? This is for open the radio

and for login into the game i get kicked for

26.02.2013 17:40:08: =JSOC=PV2.Rego.J ( 5195ee071c22757af9f63229b447a9e5 - #119 "e } else { _this call cba_fnc_addMagazine }; };
cba_fAddMagazineCargo = { ["x\cba\addons\common\XEH_preInit.sqf", 77, ('WAR"
Okay i tested something and when i take away script.txt i cannot bring up the radio by the deafult key because of some of the battleye filter. Okey it is the mpeventhandler.txt that blocks the key! but the problem is that it says that "WARNING: Server is not connected to teamspeack" but i have everything setup
Okay that is very cool but to play without Battleeye is no option. We need somebody how edit the Battleeye scripts.

We can conntact Dwarden he is Community Manager für DayZ an he write the scripts for Battleeye.