dayZ (arma) AI Controlled Bus Route.

Nice add-on, was thinking of making players invulnerable when on the bus, could be very risky if they can exploit it somehow and get off the bus as they could be invincible running around.

The version update I am currently testing has a message at each bus stop from the driver. Also had the bus beeping at the player, have broken the beeping recently, currently re-fixing it :)

Would you like me to add your addition onto the gitHub ?
Okay, I discovered a bug in the "always healing" version of my script addition.

As you feared, it enables players to leave the bus and still have the transfusion cycle running. :(

I fixed the problem by adding the canHeal condition. I edited my original post and now it works properly :)
Hi, iam off for a while, but in the old script ( the busdriver reported the next stop already.

This script got branched off about half way through this thread. I have picked it up and have rewritten the original code. I have incorporated some and learnt some from dp.wofu ( clan) who made the other version (credit given).

Has just been bothering me that I never finished it and was satisfied with it. Have done the messaging in a different way as there were reports that the messaging didn't always work. i do also have some work to do on the waypoint names as they seem to get out of sync.

Watch my github or Epoch for another update of this soon..
Hi Axeman,

i need a little hint to convert you BUS script to an helicopter one with medic function enabled. Should i only change the vehicle type - or anything else i should make ?
Help me :(
I can't get in the bus (DayZ Epoch + Sarge AI + ChernarusMission).
but AI bus is work well.
any solution?
Is most likely to do with the way the sides are set with Sarge's AI. I believe, if the AI are on an opposing team they will lock the vehicle for you and / or (if armed) gun you down like a dog..
When we try to join the bus, we get the message "Welcome to the Chernarus Bus Route. Please DO NOT abuse the bus service... You have been warned !" and then the player die's.

Any ideas please.

When we try to join the bus, we get the message "Welcome to the Chernarus Bus Route. Please DO NOT abuse the bus service... You have been warned !" and then the player die's.

Any ideas please.


im having the same issue it seems the bus blows up any ideas Epoch v
"//Check for hackers" \n
" {" \n
"if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (isPlayer _x) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {" \n
"diag_log (""CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER "" + (name _x) + "" "" + str(_x) + "" IN "" + (typeOf vehicle _x));" \n
"(vehicle _x) setDamage 1;" \n
"_x setDamage 1;" \n
"};" \n
" } forEach allUnits;" \n
"" \n

i would say so
I have that code in the server cleanup should I remove it ?

and secondly I have added this to scripts.txt

5 addWaypoint !"\"addWaypoint\"," !"units\add_unit.sqf" !"busroute\bus_driver.sqf"

my busroute folder is in custom_scripts\busroute\bus_driver.sqf like this

I have added this to the BE file so is it right ?