DayZ Epoch - Unable to upgrade walls and other upgradable buildables.


New Member
For some reason I do not get the option to upgrade cinder walls to full walls or to upgrade garage doorways. (That all I have ttested so far) Any ideas why this is happening?
It did this before I updated the beta patch. This is a server issue, sorry I didn't clarify. Its my server and everyone that joins has this issue.
Austin obviously didn't want his issue fixed. I'm having the same problem though. Would you look at mine?
wait a second i think i switched some threads here ^^
If you can not upgrade your walls, then i dont need your mission.sqm ^^"

If you dont get the Option to upgrade them, then i need your fn_selfaction.sqf and variables.sqf (if you have custom ones)

if you are able to upgrade them and they dont stay upgraded after restart then i will need your server.pbo.

Too many Tabs at once ^^