dayz mission addin (serverside scripts)

When I use the climb on back option, then got off and logged out. When I logged back in, I was still in a seated position and can't get out of it. Does anyone know what a fix to this might be? Everything else works fine.
can u tell me what to do to remove the whistle and dog bark
if someone whistles u can hear them in the next city
and teh dog bark is annoying and it gives away player position
Pixel, is this the dog house?
class Item17
init="_nul = [this]execVM ""addin\dogInit.sqf""; _dogSound = createSoundSource [""Sound_LittleDog"", getPosATL this, [], 0];";

If so, can I adjust where the dog house spawns? I'd like to make one spawn in an exact location.
9671.0693 13653.322,0.01
Pixel, is this the dog house?
class Item17
init="_nul = [this]execVM ""addin\dogInit.sqf""; _dogSound = createSoundSource [""Sound_LittleDog"", getPosATL this, [], 0];";

If so, can I adjust where the dog house spawns? I'd like to make one spawn in an exact location.
9671.0693 13653.322,0.01
yes you can change the position. i have done it on mine server. at lingor map
Trying to run this just for the dogs as I am running BTC Logistic script for lift/tow, but it is giving me an error saying #include "addin\fx\descrExt.h" is already being called. Anyone know a fix for this?
thx piXel for the scripts.
Since yesterday installed and everything works fine. Dogs, Anomalies etc.
But i have one several issue, after changing clothes the server looses the charakter ID (no proper information on stats box) and cannot update the Hive properly, after disconnect cannot reconnect until the server restarts. That happens not only to the player that changed clothes but to all other players too.
RPT file snippet:
7:52:10 "LOGIN LOADED: B 1-1-A:1 (xxxxxxxx) REMOTE Type: Survivor1_DZ"
7:52:10 Server: Object 3:410 not found (message 94)
7:52:10 "LOGIN PUBLISHING: B 1-1-B:1 (xxxxxxxx) REMOTE Type: Survivor2_DZ"
7:52:15 "TELEPORT REVERT: xxxxxxxx (5) from [7923.76,13659,0.353546] to [0,0,0.00149536] now at [7923.76,13659,0.353546]"
7:52:15 "ERROR: Cannot Sync Character xxxxxx as no characterID"

btw without addin no issues
any ideas?
in my RPT i get

If (typeOf _x in ["UH1H_DZ","Mi17_DZ"]) then>
Error position: <typeOf _x in ["UH1H_DZ","Mi17_DZ"]) then>
Error typeof: Type String, expected Object
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\addin\vehInit.sqf, line 6

Im assuming this is why the vehicle climb isnt working aswell?
HI there, I got it working but when I try and enter that little building at the beggining of the video pixel posted, It just flashes black for a seconds then goes back to outside.
Im not sure what ive done wrong, any help would be ace.

ive attatched the mission.pbo



  • dayz_mission.pbo
    150.2 KB · Views: 2
@ Pixel

Please could you help me install dogs onto my server.. I have been trying for sometime now after reading through all the posts here and still no joy.

I am very new to dayz and even finding the files was difficult but with the help of this forum I thought I had finally managed it but thus to no avil.

Would really appreciate it if you would be able to find sometime to look at my pbo and maybe correct what I have done wrong or add anything I may have missed.

Thanks in advance.. sorry don't normally ask for help but I really am stuck :)

I am also trying desperately to remove all the wrecks and blockades from the roads and trying to add refueling script but again.. struggling with these too.. any advice here would be welcome


  • dayz_mission.pbo
    149.9 KB · Views: 5
unfortunately missed it. Very easy answer. The server needs to keep track of the dogowners:
in your init.sqf in the (isServer) section you have to declare dogOwner = []; correctly. See my file as an example and maybe the next is useful too.

@ Vilemouse and any other

#### To make your added doghouse work (dogspawn): ####

needs in doghouse item in the .sqm initialisation:
init="_nul = [this]execVM ""addin\dogInit.sqf"";";

in the description.ext below class RscPicture {}; add {sounds and graphics):
#include "addin\fx\descrExt.h"

in the init.sqf in section "isServer" (then server knows who has dog):
dogOwner = [];

in the init.sqf in the section "!isDedicated" (dog commands for the player)
_id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death; _nul = [] execVM "addin\plrInit.sqf";}];
//dayZ original _id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];
_playerMonitor = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.sqf";
_nul = [] execVM "addin\plrInit.sqf";

copy folder "addin" in your mission folder (all the scripts)

#### To make your added doghouse work (anomaly): ####

needs in doghouse item .sqm initialisation (for instance the stone anomaly):
init="_nul = [this]execVM ""addin\anomalyStone.sqf"";";

in the description.ext below class RscPicture {}; add {sounds and graphics):
#include "addin\fx\descrExt.h"

copy folder "addin" in your mission folder (all the scripts)

See my files as an example. (And placement=3000; in the .sqm file means placed in a random radius of 3000 meters. Then the game becomes less static. I do this for anomalies)

Can you help me change where the dogs spawn because i play taviana?
I am not sure if someone asked about this earlier but I just need help with this problem. Okey, so when I am playing with my admins it only allows 1 of us to have a dog. Can you explain why and maybe if there is somewhere I can edit that can you tell me?
Has anyone been ale to look at my pbo #311.

I'm not at work this week and would really like to be able to sort a few bits out but can see if left to me, I would spend all my time trying to get this working.. and maybe someone here would spot the problem quickly.

Any help would be very much appreciated
unfortunately missed it. Very easy answer. The server needs to keep track of the dogowners:
in your init.sqf in the (isServer) section you have to declare dogOwner = []; correctly. See my file as an example and maybe the next is useful too.

@ Vilemouse and any other

#### To make your added doghouse work (dogspawn): ####

needs in doghouse item in the .sqm initialisation:
init="_nul = [this]execVM ""addin\dogInit.sqf"";";

in the description.ext below class RscPicture {}; add {sounds and graphics):
#include "addin\fx\descrExt.h"

in the init.sqf in section "isServer" (then server knows who has dog):
dogOwner = [];

in the init.sqf in the section "!isDedicated" (dog commands for the player)
_id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death; _nul = [] execVM "addin\plrInit.sqf";}];
//dayZ original _id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];
_playerMonitor = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.sqf";
_nul = [] execVM "addin\plrInit.sqf";

copy folder "addin" in your mission folder (all the scripts)

#### To make your added doghouse work (anomaly): ####

needs in doghouse item .sqm initialisation (for instance the stone anomaly):
init="_nul = [this]execVM ""addin\anomalyStone.sqf"";";

in the description.ext below class RscPicture {}; add {sounds and graphics):
#include "addin\fx\descrExt.h"

copy folder "addin" in your mission folder (all the scripts)

See my files as an example. (And placement=3000; in the .sqm file means placed in a random radius of 3000 meters. Then the game becomes less static. I do this for anomalies)

Can you specify player id's in the dogOwner=[*playerid here*] so that when a person specified as having a dog (admins/vips/ect) logs in they simply spawn with a dog? If not how might you go about that, ive been messing around with it a little but not having a lot of luck. Oh and ive been looking at trying to script a pack onto the dog, ie mouse over dog, roll scroll and choose open pack, and you could have x amount of slots available on him? Do you think this is possible and do you think that the bags could be scripted to look as if being worn by the dogs, like the smaller packs would look plausible.

try changing line 17


//enableRadio false;


enableRadio false;

also check your dayz instaance number is correct (line 9)

Im no expert on this stuff so this might not work just comparing it to mine thats all :)

try changing line 17


//enableRadio false;


enableRadio false;

also check your dayz instaance number is correct (line 9)

Im no expert on this stuff so this might not work just comparing it to mine thats all :)

Thanks for looking Rob

I have changed line 17 and now trying to change line 9..

What is the instance and where would I check I have the correct one?
I think so mate yeah mine says:
Database Username: bliss_481_ext so my number on line 9 is 481
I have attached my mission .pbo if you open the same files from both pbo's in notepad++ and keep switching back and forth and compare what is different because this one I uploaded works.
(I assume you're using notepad++, not the standard windows notepad)?
Ps. the mission file I uploaded, the anomiliy teleport thing doesnt work, I havent figured it out yet but im getting there, but It still loads with the dogs and other things so you can use it to compare for now.
Good luck dude, let me know if you get it working :)