That had to do with skins.
Example: if someone is wearing a skin that belongs to side WEST, someone else with a skin from another side can
not enter that same vehicle. Some work though, so if you can not get into a vehicle with someone else,
just let that person let you go first and see if that works.
I was asking MsFritzyBoy, ZedBuster :p

I also run DZAI but the vehicle thing is a common issue that Sarge AI causes.
server.pbo > DZAI > init > world_classname_configs > default
and the folder that pertains to your map.
Well one option is to remove the static spawn points.
server.pbo > DZAI > Init > dzai_config.sqf
DZAI_staticAI = true; set to false

You can set the max number of roaming AI here, but the number is normally dynamic so i'm not sure what the default amount is.
DZAI_dynTriggersMax = nil;

Also forgot to mention that by default they generate their loadout from the loot tables.
To use the files in the map configs you need to turn this to false.
DZAI_dynamicWeaponList = false;
To answer your question about how you can change how many AI spawn;
here is an example code of the file called World_Chernarus.sqf which I edited to fill my needs:

_this setTriggerStatements ["{isPlayer _x} count thisList > 0;", "0 = [15,5,5,thisTrigger,['BanditBase_1','BanditBase_2','BanditBase_3','BanditBase_4','BanditBase_5'],3] call fnc_spawnBandits;

That line is present in every trigger.

See the 15,5,5? The first 15 means 15 bandits ALWAYS, the 2nd 5 means a possible 1,2,3,4 or 5 extra AI on top of the 15. And the 3rd 5 is their patrol distance.
Yes but that is only for the static spawn locations you modify that for, not the dynamic AI.

Apparantly the max dynamic groups by default for Chernarus is 15.
if (isNil "DZAI_dynTriggersMax") then {DZAI_dynTriggersMax = 15;};

So if you decide to turn off static spawn points you could turn up the max dynamic groups to compensate.