Dayz Sahrani - Mod Development - Work In Progress


I give you female Zeds :) Shame I won't be adding them to the eminent release. If you look at their hands their fingers are screwed up. This is throwing massive errors out on the client data. But they aren't the only bones missing in the skeleton. So until we can recompile the models based on the OFP Skeleton they won't be added, but the concept works well :)
Went over some p3d's with M1lkM8n and ShermanFTW, they think they might have a few ideas as to why the zombie's get confused on docks, and some other buildings/structures.

Also we MIGHT be onto something in regards to the death bridges... we will be doing some edits and testing things over the next couple days/weeks hoping to resolve this long standing issue.
I have a small test terrain set up for object testing. I'm gonna make some changes to those p3ds and test em prob tonight.
We (Seven while I sit and listen) are buttoning up the final release build, we are going to do some thorough testing tonight tomorrow and release for the weekend.
Another jam packed day. Seven is ironing out all the kinks, and building some tools that make his job a bit easier.

Final test build should be ready for testing tomorrow. I've sent off my finalized (corrected lol) mission file with all the vehicle spawns..


We got the final package of source files and official license from Bohemia to modify A1 content/Sahrani... PLUS Ivan has been good enough to arrange permission for us to modify the A2 buildings we're using in Sahrani so they have Spanish text instead of Russian! (Hospital, Pub, and Market)
Nobody was on because you were on at 6:30am :D

Server details are set up in the cmd file supplied with the client builds.
Testing is going well. Tonight should be the night we launch :) As long as I don't find anything game breaking and I can finalise the battleye filters.
Well computer problems seem to be the plague of our dev team, my computer and server crapped out on the beta test launch, Seven's main drive on his computer crapped out today during testing... He's rebuilding it now, nothing major lost but time.
I'm getting there :p Damn SSD's aren't made to last. I'm only behind by 4 hours so far. But I'll still be a while getting my system up to how I like it.
Server files have been released on our Google+ page will post details shortly.

If you plan on putting up a server let us know the IP and Port and we will list it!