DayZBanditAI package from GitHub

Hey guys!

I followed this thread with interest and got it to work with the add_unit_server solution...
But i get stuck on implementing the Scripts from
Also using the prepaired mission from there wasn't succesful...
the oaserver.rtp only shows
17:48:10 Server: Object 3:140 not found (message 70)
17:48:10 Server: Object 3:139 not found (message 70)
17:48:10 Server: Object 3:138 not found (message 70)
17:48:10 Server: Object 3:137 not found (message 70)
nothing else occurs...

My Question is if somebody out there has already implemented this Script or if i have to
use any additional Scripts to start up spawning AI Bandits on my Server?!?
I've already been struggling aound with this the past 3 Days, and now i am on my wit's end :(
Maybe i do something fundamentally wrong....Help would be apprechiated!

this package is NOT recommended for useage on a server. you will run into a lot of problems if you try that.

Use one of the packages mentioned here in on the forum.
As Sarge said, this package is not meant for a server, but is only meant for use for a single player. But if playing on a server alone what you're trying to do, then the Chernarus mission should work out of the box (and only for that map). The others are quite out of date.

I am the owner of that Github repo, and I'm in the middle of reworking the entire thing to be multiplayer-friendly and one-size-fits all.
Thanks for the quick reply! :) ....this explains why it didn't work!

The current thread about the working solution made me a bit confused about wich script variance is the actual or best working one.
Have it already working, but it would be interesting, if there s maybe a most completed or extended version of the Scripts....
Would you be so kind to upload what you think is the complete and most functional Script in case it exsists?:)
I've uploaded the mission files for Chernarus and Namalsk (0.741) using the latest working scripts. I've made it easier to reconfigure stuff based on personal preferences by placing all global variables into one convenient location (\scripts\init\dayz_ai_variables.sqf"). Personally, I've had a lot of fun turning off zombie spawns and increasing the AI spawn multiplier by 3X-4X to create a deathmatchy gaming experience.


  • dayz_1.Chernarus.pbo
    194.2 KB · Views: 32
  • dayz_1.namalsk.pbo
    120.1 KB · Views: 4
I haven't uploaded these to Github, but they are the latest of the SP-only packages.

If you are curious, you might be able to import the scripts folder to any other of my mission files in the Archived branch. The partially remade script package has been redesigned to be compatible with any mission file by simply copy and pasting, as long as dayz_ai_initialize.sqf is called in init.sqf. I haven't tested this out myself, so I can't say for sure if that will work.
Ancient thread is ancient... but yes, I've reworked the whole thing to be MP compatible. A few people have been using this on their servers already. If you want to try it out, use the package from the 0.06/0.07 branch because 0.05 has a few things that need fixing.
ok thanks, i also pm'd you with some questions, sorry for digging up an old thread, there were only a few threads when i searched dayzbandit ai