Dead Survivor spawns


New Member
hey! at first i have to tell that i freakin love the idea behind 2017! it is exactly what i wanted dayz to be for months now... damn good work!
I had an idea to improve the feeling of "5 years after the apocalypse": how about using the helicopter crashside thing and change it into some random "dead survivor / abandoned shelter" spawn? with some item spawns (nothing overpowered, just sth like food / ammo / etc) in/around it, like we all know it from the helicopters...
i think this should be pretty easy to create because of the fact that all the spawn codes and stuff already exist from the heli crashsites...
would be pretty nice to find some abandoned base with a dead survivor and some supplies in it!

greets and thanks for your awesome work! koksnuss
oh and another idea i got: what would you think about something like "rusty guns"? i dont know if the arma engine allows that, but i am missing some "old" , "rusty" or "broken" enfields, winchester and other guns... i mean, if you find a gun somewhere in a totally destroyed city, used under really heavy conditions for more than 5 ages, it is not said that it works like it should do...

greets, koksnuss
Hi Koksnuss,

The rusty guns is a 100% confirmed change, we are going to start retexturing a lot of in game items now to make them look more realistic to the setting. So guns will hopefully have a worn out look with some extras such as makeshift handles. I want to change one of the shotguns to being a sawn off.

There will be lots more including tents being covered in tarpaulin and so forth.

Here is crappy proof of concept I made (the artistic guys will do a lot better then me)

will the rusty thing only be optical or also functional? something like mechanical system getting stuck etc...?

and what do you think about those survivor/shelter spawns? because at the moment there is not much motivation to start a long travel through the plains of chernarus... and as it is at the moment, it wont give the players a long term motivation to play 2017. dont get me wrong, i love your mod and the ideas behind it, i only want to help to develop it ;)

greets and beans, koksnuss
Sorry, I keep missing to many great posts
will the rusty thing only be optical or also functional? something like mechanical system getting stuck etc...?

and what do you think about those survivor/shelter spawns? because at the moment there is not much motivation to start a long travel through the plains of chernarus... and as it is at the moment, it wont give the players a long term motivation to play 2017. dont get me wrong, i love your mod and the ideas behind it, i only want to help to develop it ;)

greets and beans, koksnuss

I keep missing to many good posts.

This is a very good point. The north migration has always been the weapon mecca to the airfield. So we need to think of reasons for players to really populate the northern regions. So what are the shelters you mentioned?
Sorry, I keep missing to many great posts

I keep missing to many good posts.

This is a very good point. The north migration has always been the weapon mecca to the airfield. So we need to think of reasons for players to really populate the northern regions. So what are the shelters you mentioned?

you could use fuel as motivation instead...if you were to disable/remove the standard fuel points and have most of the fuel in the north.
i don't know exactly. i was thinking about using the helicopter crashsite spawn mechanics and replace the heli crashes with some corrugated-iron shacks and ton-fires. a dead survivor inside would be nice too. and then u could spawn some useful and unique things in and around this shelter. Like an old rusty AK (cause they are pretty much unbreakable) or some other rare equipment. and you could also change the spawnpoints of these shelter-"crashsites". would be more realistic if they spawn in the forests instead of open fields.

greets, and i hope u won't miss that post :p
Referring to the northern migration, there is still a reason to do so, if you know what you are looking for. I made a camp in the north with 2 cars and a few tents because there is a fresh body of water and an abundance of animal spawns around. I go hunting, and collect empty water bottles to refill. Essentially, an infinite pool of food and water. I still have to go scavenging for ammo and supplies though.

I do like the fuel idea though. I know several people on Shin's server have found boats and/or cars in the south and complained about never finding fuel. Personally, I would do anything for a car, so if it meant a 5k run to the north to find fuel, and a 5k run back to the car, I would be down to do that. Some people wouldn't. I made a 14k run to Polana to find a bus someone told me about, only for it to be completely broken. I spent 2 hours scavenging to put it back together. I guess its all about what people are willing to do.

Great ideas:)
I love the idea.I stumbled upon a campsite under the bridge in Namalsk and thought that this would be a great way to leave a jackpot of supplies.A shed/campsite that spawns deep in the woods and has a good amount of supplies sounds excellent.The heli crashes do not fit into Dayz anymore since its 5 years later imo.

I love the idea.I stumbled upon a campsite under the bridge in Namalsk and thought that this would be a great way to leave a jackpot of supplies.A shed/campsite that spawns deep in the woods and has a good amount of supplies sounds excellent.The heli crashes do not fit into Dayz anymore since its 5 years later imo.


Indeed, heli crashes do not fit. I think a couple of tents with a fire, out in the woods somewhere, would be a cool way to do this. This would make people venture north in search of these camps. Players should also be able to pack these tents to create their own camp.
Indeed, heli crashes do not fit. I think a couple of tents with a fire, out in the woods somewhere, would be a cool way to do this. This would make people venture north in search of these camps. Players should also be able to pack these tents to create their own camp.
Exactly, I know a server that has heli crashes, it is stupid honestly.