DZAI 2.1.0 Pre-Release Config Question


I was starting to add this new version of DZAI to my server's configuration but had a question on the preset weapon list. I have been using 1.9.9 with custom loadouts defined in the global_classnames.sqf.

In the newest release, the global_classnames.sqf file is still mentioned in the dzai_config.sqf, but there is no global_classnames.sqf file included in the release. Has this file's functionality be moved to another file, or is it missing or just to be assumed that you need to create one from scratch. If so, can I re-use the global_classnames.sqf from a previous version?

Thanks in advance!
I haven't gone through and updated all the comments yet, but everything that used to be the global classname file is now part of DZAI_config.sqf. You are not missing any files.
Oh ... I guess I should have scrolled down through the dzai_config.sqf... :p

Sorry for not thinking to do that. I had stopped in place while going down through the file and my first instinct was to put up a post.
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