DZAI 2.1.2 Changelog Preview


OpenDayZ Rockstar!
There are many changes/fixes that still need to be tested and verified, but here is a list of changes that you can expect (subject to change):

  • [NEW] Killing an AI unit will cause them to be ejected from their vehicle, if they are in a vehicle (Untested)
  • [NEW] Added setting DZAI_waypointBlacklist in dzai_config.sqf. Marker names added to this array will prevent these areas from being used as destinations for map-wide air/land AI vehicle patrols. Note: This won't prevent AI vehicles from pathing through these areas.
  • [NEW] Epoch: Map-wide air/land AI vehicle patrols won't travel to trader areas anymore. Note: This won't prevent AI vehicles from pathing through these areas.
  • [NEW] Podagorsk: Added AI spawn location on Sona island (barracks/castle area).
  • [FIXED] Epoch: Variable DZAI_metalBarNum now actually limits the number of metal bar currency that can be added per AI unit as loot. (Variable was not used at all previously)
  • [FIXED] Undefined variable errors related to group_manager.sqf
  • [FIXED] DZAI_deleteGroup function now only deletes units that are still alive. Dead units will be cleaned by DZAI's cleanup after a timer is finished.
  • [FIXED] Fixed bug where custom AI could not be despawned.
  • [CHANGED] AI vehicle drivers will now wait for units that need to be picked up instead of ditching them.
  • [CHANGED] Reworked DZAI server cleanup.
  • [CHANGED] Added a check to prevent loot from being added to an AI unit if loot was already generated (This should not be necessary, may be removed)
  • [CHANGED] Reworked static AI spawn system into a two-stage spawn procedure.
    • Stage 1: Gather all possible spawn locations. Stage 1 will never run again on subsequent spawn trigger activations, it will jump straight to Stage 2.
    • Stage 2: Spawn AI units.
  • [CHANGED] AI hunting distance is now limited to defined patrol distance instead of being fixed at 250m.
  • [CHANGED] Debug markers: Targeted players are now marked on the map with a marker. AI unit markers now also track vehicle crew units.
  • [CHANGED] Default dead body cleanup timer changed from 600 seconds (10 min) to 900 seconds (15 min)
  • [CHANGED] Cleanup is now prevented for AI dead bodies if player(s) present within 30 meters (was 20m). Distance to prevent vehicle cleanup is 75m (was also 20m).
  • [CHANGED] Cleanup loop frequency reduced from every 5 minutes to every 10 minutes.
  • [CHANGED] Epoch: Dynamic spawns now prevented by all Epoch buildable items, not just Plot Poles.
The following items from the list may be removed since they are currently causing problems:

  • [NEW] Killing an AI unit will cause them to be ejected from their vehicle, if they are in a vehicle (Untested)
  • [CHANGED] AI vehicle drivers will now wait for units that need to be picked up instead of ditching them.
If a fix isn't found soon I'll simply remove the changes to avoid pushing the release date too far away, and continue working on the remaining changes when I can.
Update: I'm now able to work on DZAI development on a daily basis. The "anti-ditching" testing for AI vehicle units is going very well at the moment. Sometimes unboarded units that have spotted enemies refuse to move to get back on board their assigned vehicle, but they will eventually get back on.

The ejection on death for AI vehicle units is still in testing. There is some conflict with the air vehicle death/ejection scripts so that will take some time to finish testing.
The helicopter reinforcement for dynamic spawns will be temporarily removed and redesigned and re-implemented at a later date. Sorry for any disappointment, but I feel this feature needs to be redesigned from the ground up.

Edit: It's uncertain at this time whether helicopter reinforcement is here to stay or not.

  • The "anti-ditching" for AI vehicle patrols appears to work but doesn't seem to be 100% perfect. It seems that the AI group sometimes prioritizes staying in formation over breaking formation to enter vehicles. Still looking into this.
  • AI ejection from vehicle units is working just fine with no observed side effects.
  • The helicopter ejection behavior when near water edges is very "touchy". Helicopter AI units are scripted to simply die and become deleted if the helicopter is destroyed over water, but if the helicopter is destroyed when it is over water but passes over land as it impacts, you will see AI units parachute out then disappear within seconds. If the helicopter is destroyed and impacts on water or land (not one and the other) there is no issue.
  • The AI despawn process has been completely overhauled. The group_manager.sqf now handles the despawning of each AI group instead of different despawn scripts, which now simply instruct group_manager.sqf to delete the group when necessary. The processes seems rock-solid after much tweaking and fixing, but all changes to despawn/respawn-related functions have historically resulted in bugs and problems, so I will keep a close eye on this.
  • Although AI land vehicles are specifically scripted to never spawn over water, Arma does not consider inland water such as ponds "water", so vehicles may spawn in these ponds and become permanently stuck. They may also become permanently stuck in a variety of ways (often due to bad AI drivers), so I've added a more aggressive "anti-stuck" procedure that respawns a land vehicle patrol group if they've required waypoint re-assignments twice in a row.
  • The DZAI server monitor will now only keep track of the number of active AI groups instead of individual AI units due to the despawn process rework. Note that AI groups waiting for respawn are still considered "active". Only when the group is despawned is it considered inactive and removed from the counter. Static/dynamic triggers are considered "active" if they have not yet been despawned, instead of when there are no players present, and are considered "inactive" when they have despawned all AI that they have created.
  • Updated SHK_pos (position-generating script package by Shuko) to version 2.4 (DZAI previously used version 2.1)
  • AI helicopter reinforcement for dynamic spawns will not be removed after all.
  • Epoch: Slight adjustments to metal bar currency loot rates. Low-end currency rates decreased slightly, high-end currency rates increased slightly.
Release date is anticipated to be Aug. 23 (Saturday).