Edit skin for clan or player? Help!


New Member
Hi, I recently opened a server. So I'm a Newbie Administrator. I want to know how to change the skin of the players on the server. So to add all the Clan different skin. There is a script or do I have to change from phpMyAdmin?

I do not try, a random change skins, but a permanent change skin for Clans or players.

ps: my server is XstreamGaming

Sorry for the bad English. Thx.
I would imagine you could do it where the player is assigned a skin on login, maybe something with If uid = blah blah blah then use this skin
survivor 2 blah blah blah

The custom skins on open dayz, do not seem to work with the custom loadouts. so I think the only way would be to have it done in the PBO files
Maybe we can it do in data base? I have rmod, but with custlodaut int data base i cant setup skin because after setup player spawn without loot and skin ^(
I found the solution!


if ((_playerName == "XXXXXXX")) then {
_model = "XXXXXXXX";

XXXX and XXXX are player name and skin name.

Add the string to the file server_playerLogin, present in day_server.pbo.


WORK 100%
But i need do it without stop server with database. How can i do it with databse? Maybe in server_playerLogin set path to database column?

diag_log ("LOGIN LOADED: " + str(_playerObj) + " Type: " + (typeOf _playerObj));

_isHiveOk = false;//EDITED
if (_hiveVer >= dayz_hiveVersionNo) then {
_isHiveOk = true;

if ((_playerName == "Player1")) then {
_model = "FR_AC";

if ((_playerName == "Player2")) then {
_model = "FR_Rodriguez";

if ((_playerName == Player3")) then {
_model = "FR_Cooper";

if ((_playerName == "Player4")) then {
_model = "FR_Sykes";

if ((_playerName == "Player5")) then {
_model = "FR_OHara";
//diag_log ("SERVER RESULT: " + str("X") + " " + str(dayz_hiveVersionNo));

//Server publishes variable to clients and WAITS
Ok Thanks Roland

Now we get stucked at requesting authentication, any idea why?
diag_log ("LOGIN LOADED: " + str(_playerObj) + " Type: " + (typeOf _playerObj));
_isHiveOk = false;//EDITED
if (_hiveVer >= dayz_hiveVersionNo) then {
_isHiveOk = true;
if ((_playerName == "[SMR]Siothie")) then {
_model = "MVD_Soldier";
if ((_playerName == "[SMR]Garrow")) then {
_model = "MVD_Soldier";
if ((_playerName == "[SMR]Creep")) then {
_model = "MVD_Soldier";
if ((_playerName == "[SMR]Luni")) then {
_model = "MVD_Soldier";
if ((_playerName == "[SMR]Made")) then {
_model = "MVD_Soldier";
if ((_playerName == "Einfach Kurt")) then {
_model = "RUS_Soldier1";
if ((_playerName == "Roddi")) then {
_model = "UN_CDF_Soldier_Officer_EP1";
//diag_log ("SERVER RESULT: " + str("X") + " " + str(dayz_hiveVersionNo));
Ok Thanks Roland

Now we get stucked at requesting authentication, any idea why?
diag_log ("LOGIN LOADED: " + str(_playerObj) + " Type: " + (typeOf _playerObj));
//diag_log ("SERVER RESULT: " + str("X") + " " + str(dayz_hiveVersionNo));

There are errors, / / Kurt / / Roddi ...
There are errors, / / Kurt / / Roddi ...

Damn i thought it is the same like in the script.txt that if you put a // it will not "use" the line. I just added this for a faster search.

Gonna try it out if it works without it.