fn_selfActions can someone help?

Every time I install a script with fn_selfActions involved it never works ):( I dont know why. Nothing shows up in RPT and I follow all instructions for anything. I dont know can someone help?
Where do you get your fn_selfActions from? If you take the wrong one you can easily disable functions
Do you have your compiles also in your main pbo? You would need to call your compiles in your init.sqf and in your compiles call your self actions.
Yeas I took it from the correct spot and I also have my compiles in the main pbo I may have installed it wrong though can you guide me through how you did yours?
You need to take compiles.sqf from your client dayz_code.pbo > init > compiles.sqf
Put that in your mission.pbo in a folder called fixes.
Open your init.sqf and change the line under:
progressLoadingScreen 0.4;
Which should be your compiles to something like:
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\compiles.sqf";

Then copy your fn_selfActions from your client at:
dayz_code.pbo > compile > fn_selfActions.sqf
to your fixes folder in your mission.pbo. Open your custom compiles in the same folder and change:
fnc_usec_selfActions =        compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf";
fnc_usec_selfActions =        compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\fn_selfActions.sqf";

Then all your fn_selfAction modifications should work.
hey budda if you need any help, maybe i can be of assistance. im not a pro. but have gotten many scripts to work.