Garage door remote script.


New Member
Hello I've been looking everywhere for this particular script and as yet have not found it.
Could someone send me a link or if it's not yet been made consider it as a project to take on?
Yea like the remote for vehicles script. Or any door really I mean IF it's possible. I've seen it on one server but can't seem to find the script.
Yea like the remote for vehicles script. Or any door really I mean IF it's possible. I've seen it on one server but can't seem to find the script.

The hard part would be making the remote only work on garage doors you have placed.
The hard part would be making the remote only work on garage doors you have placed.

I guess I have no clue how to mod or if this is even possible so figured I'd come here to where all the magic happens lol.

If it's possible that would be awesome even if it was added to the unlock vehicles mod.
When its about epoch, then it shouldnt be that hard with plot pole 4 Life. Just check the UID,, Distance and maybe an right Click Option on Radio?
I'm busy with other projects right now. Try it yourself, this way you can learn something about scripting ;)
Not looking to learn just came here with hopes of a modder being able to make this.
Thanks for replies tho :)
Maybe i'll give it a try later. Would you like to have it with a cursortarget or more like an area in which all the doors open? This can be done also with all doors or only garage-doors.
Well I imagine kind of like how remote for cars work?
I'm a noob and have no clue how code works so would definitely leave to your discrestion.
Hey man that's pretty epic i wonder if it could be added to so could scan from say inside a vehicle?
think it should work when you make some little changes like this:

instead of:
b - Place the following:

//Allow manage door
if((_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_DoorsLocked)) then {
    if (s_player_manageDoor < 0) then {
        s_player_manageDoor = player addAction ["<t color='#0059FF'>Manage Door</t>", "doorManagement\initDoorManagement.sqf",[_cursorTarget], 0, false, true, "",""];
} else {
        player removeAction s_player_manageDoor;
        s_player_manageDoor = -1;

//Allow owner to unlock vault

do something like this:

search for
if (DZE_HeliLift) then {

and directly above it add this:

//Allow manage door
_nearDoorsLocked = nearestObjects [player, DZE_DoorsLocked, 15];

if(_nearDoorsLocked) then {
    if (s_player_manageDoor < 0) then {
        s_player_manageDoor = player addAction ["<t color='#0059FF'>Manage Door</t>", "doorManagement\initDoorManagement.sqf",[_cursorTarget], 0, false, true, "",""];
} else {
        player removeAction s_player_manageDoor;
        s_player_manageDoor = -1;

This will allow you to remote the doors around 15m, not tested though!!
Could make some issues but hope you get the Idea.

If its not working fine, it should be possible to get the addaction with a cursortarget in a vehicle either. Just tell me the result :)
I believe we cannot use plot pole for life and are waiting on the non plot pole for life version. This is what I was told.
"Yea I see what this guy is sayin but we still have to wait for the non-plot-4-life version since it checks your character ID in a different way"
you cannot use P4L, why? This Script makes it way easier to manage a base and allmost all servers have it installed. So why not using it?
it checks playerUID, so you dont have rebuild your plotpole on every death. You are permanent owner.
"why? dont we have plot for life ? sorry just asking.."

"no we dont we just have plot management. Plot for life would break almost everything we have on the server so I didn't put it in. Like it's one of those things you put in first and then put everything else on top of."

"Now with plot management you dont need plot for life so i havent worried about it. Also, i believe epoch is gonna have it in by default so it would be a ton more work to put it in for now you know what I mean?"

So is there a work around using "plot management " ?..
installing this Script isnt hard and who knows when epoch 1052 will be released and if it has this feature in it. Beside this you guys can learn something by installing some scripts here and there.
Just make backups and you are on the safe site, so i still cant see the problem.