Group System(non epoch)


So i take NO credit for this script as i did not write any of it! I know a few people who were wanting some sort of group system and someone say "You should start your search for one from the epoch files because it has one build in." So i started my search there and found this!

Extremely self explanatory simply if the line is green you add it in if it's red you remove it! that simple and it works (TESTED) with NON epoch chernarus!

So there you have it anyone who wanted a group system this actually works (ONCE AGAIN TESTED) on NON epoch chernarus.

What map are you using it on? i assume regular chernarus?

Also you were looking at another player correct? another player must be fairly close to you in order for it to show up.

It's the same (as far as i know) as the group system on epoch. You look at a player and tag him/her as "friendly". He/She looks at you and tags you as "friendly". THEN you are both in a group and a red bubble appears around both of your hands (its pretty small up close gets bigger farther out).
Same thing with more than two players to the group. you simply keep adding players the same way. Every player in your group must add every other player to your group. Example if i add you, and you add me, then our third person (mitch) adds me and i add him, then you add him and he adds you, THEN all three of us are in a "group"

Takes a little bit to set bigger groups up bit it definitely does it's job as far as identifying "friendly" players.
I dont think it gives you a group menu like the wasteland menu/group but this one gives a ball around their wrist like a bracelet that says if you are friendly or not, only seen at close range.. does it do more than that ingame?
That's about it as far as i can tell. Though mine goes longer ranges. just gets a little harder to see after a little while. it's more than fairly simple in terms of what all it does. But it gets the job done for the most part anyway.
these files and the compiles.sqf should be in your mission folder. and you should like the compiles to your init.sqf (already in mission folder) then these files into your compiles
any ideas on whitelisting this with antihack?

find line similar to this:
_retArr = ['allUnits','entities','allMissionObjects','vehicles','playableUnits'];
remove 'vehicles' and 'playerableUnits' from it and tag friendlies should be fully functional for normal players

dont forget to add !"\"titleText\"," after 5 "titleText" in publicvariableval.txt to prevent kicks if u do decide to make the change.

P.S. this is not really a whitelist
The only issue I'm having is that I do not know where I am supposed to call the player_TagFriendly

Tried from compiles, Tried in Actions (of compiles),

Where exactly does this file go and where is it called from?

Running DayZ Chernarus Vanilla
this works. but will screw up your towing and lifting. also antihacks need to be changed so you allow some esp hackers in, but it works.

i would go inside friendliescheck.sqf and change [0,0,0]lwrist to [o,0,0]head. which will put the ball 1 m above their heads. working on acurate number for just above th e head.