[Help] BDC's Loot and Zed Configurable Spawn Parameters


Well-Known Member
Howdy guys, this is the help thread for the add-on/mod thread "BDC's Loot and Zed Configurable Parameters" which involves modifying the init.SQF and player_spawnCheck.SQF files for server operators to better trim how the DayZ background generates loot and zed spawn. Post your questions here.

Great work mate,
Is it possible to make this working on specific buildings? So that some buildings all over the map don't spawn any loot anymore.

Howdy SchwEde, I think so. The first thoughts I've got are to create a fourth array, maybe call it something like PreventZedSpawnExclusionBuildings, and stick the structure/building types in there. And if the count of elements of that array is greater than 0 (meaning there's something in it), then the routine could exclude these building object types. Or perhaps do a white list in the reverse of the building types that will spawn. At least that's what sounds good off the top of my head.
SchwEde, are you considering making one giant marker that covers the entire map and then exclude or include certain building types for loot/zed spawn?
That would be great with Base Building1.3, because some buildings in there spawn Loot and Zeds. So you could use the Flagpole as the reference.
That would be awesome \(^o^)/
Don't know what would be the best way to this but sounds like it has to be a Marker over the whole map to catch every flagpole.
Howdy SchwEde, I think I'm a little confused on exactly what you're wanting to have done. Or maybe it's because I was thinking better late last night than I am right now without a whole lot of sleep.
my idea was simple. In Base Building 1.3 you can only build in a radius of 200m around a flagpole and some buildable buildings spawn loot. So my Idea was to create a safe-zone with you script around every flagpole which is build, so people dont have loot areas in their bases.
Ok. Once a flagpole has been put down (I'm assuming the Base Building mod you're talking about does this), why not manually add the position of that flagpole ala this mod? Or are you talking about something automatic, or perhaps... ok I think I know what you mean:

Have the no spawn routine look for flagpoles specifically and have a no-spawn marker auto generate, for lack of better terms, within a 200m radius of the flagpole? -- A routine that covers the entire area of the map?
Have the no spawn routine look for flagpoles specifically and have a no-spawn marker auto generate, for lack of better terms, within a 200m radius of the flagpole? -- A routine that covers the entire area of the map?
Exactly. So bases, build by players, dont spawn any loot anymore.
hey there guys , im interested in the possibility of adding this script with one im currently using for perma loot and zeds from mmyum and silver from another thread http://opendayz.net/threads/release-mmmyums-zed-changes-quantity-ai-spawning-permaloot-permazeds-more.10345/

Any chance i could get some help merging my Player_SpawnCheck.SQF with this to make them work together, would be perfect to get a jump on spawning stuff since i have slow zombies and a lot to spawn it takes a while for a threat to build up.
Also if its possible can all loot be dropped in once and just stay there (any help getting this done would be great) im not sure if all these three things can be put together but thats my dream here lol ( i run epoch

my player_spawnCheck.sqf file
private ["_position","_nearestLoc","_yum","_city","_tempZedNum","_radius","_cityTypes","_name"];
//_isAir = vehicle player iskindof "Air";
//_inVehicle = vehicle player isKindOf "player";
_position = getPosATL player;
_radius = 500;
_cityTypes = ["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage","NameLocal"];

if (((dayz_spawnZombies - sleepingZeds) > dayz_maxLocalZombies) or (((dayz_maxCurrentZeds - sleepingZeds) > dayz_maxZeds))) exitwith {};

//_nearestLoc = nearestLocation [_position, _cityTypes]; //alternative to try /// definitely should try this, as there is no check range, but we have to execute it 4 times
_nearestLoc = (nearestLocations [_position, _cityTypes,_radius] select 0);

if (isNull _nearestLoc) then {
    //[_position] spawn yum_zedRoam;
} else {
    _name = text _nearestLoc;
    //pick nearest city from array and store it in _city
    _yum = yum_locations_index find _name;
    if (_yum == -1) exitwith {diag_log format ["MMMYUM: ZEDSYSTEM: No Location | PlayerPos: %1",_position];};
    _city = yum_locations select _yum;
    if ((time - player_lastZombieDespawn) > 33) then {
        if ((player_pendingSleepers > 0) or (player_pendingSpawned > 0)) then {
            _tempZedNum = _city getVariable ["numZombies", 0];
            _tempZedNum = (_tempZedNum + (player_pendingSleepers - player_pendingSpawned));
            _city setVariable ["numZombies", _tempZedNum, true];
            cutText [format["%1 Zeds left in Location", _tempZedNum], "PLAIN DOWN"];
            player_pendingSleepers = 0;
            player_pendingSpawned = 0;
        player_lastZombieDespawn = time;
    } else {
        //get var and check to see if the location should spawn zeds
        _tempZedNum = _city getVariable ["numZombies", 0];
        diag_log format ["MMMYUM: ZEDSYSTEM: player_spawnCheck | NearLocation = %1 | ToSpawn = %2 Zeds | PlayerPos = %3",_nearestLoc,_tempZedNum,_position];
        if (_tempZedNum > 0) then {
                [_city,_tempZedNum,_nearestLoc] spawn building_spawnZombies;//no need for this, call zombie_generate modified for city level spawning
/* notes
_nearestLoc = (nearestLocations [getPos player, ["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage","NameLocal"],1000] select 0);
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i could never get it to work(but i use modified files for other mods), but BDC is really helpfull and gots skills im sure it cant be too hard , im going to try again eventually to get this working for me.