HELP with my bec auto restart with messages pleaze


New Member
this is what ive been trying to use and its not working. I have tryed many diff ways please help!:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<job id="0">
<cmd>say -1 Server will restart in 30 minutes</cmd>

<job id="1">
<cmd>say -1 Server will restart in 15 minutes</cmd>

<job id="2">
<cmd>say -1 Server will restart in 10 minutes</cmd>

<job id="3">
<cmd>say -1 Server will restart in 5 minutes</cmd>

<job id="4">
<cmd>say -1 Server will restart in 2 minutes, log off now or risk losing gear!</cmd>

<job id="5">

I dont think the #restart works on hosts. Use #shutdown and your server host will automatically start the server immediately.

And job 2 is missing a zero 02450 should be 024500 .

If you look in your bec error log it probably says invalid time and therefore never loaded the file.
I will try that as soon as I get home from work and lets you know thanks for the reply im using HFB if that matters
Now I remember, the #restart just restarts the mission, it doesn't actually stop the server and then start it again which is what is required for the server to regain its composure and stop lagging.
Step one. Go into your BEC folder and there should be a subfolder 'logs'. Look in the logs folder for the error log and see what its telling you. Best to turn off the server, delete the log, then start the server so you have a fresh log with only the current errors.

Are you sure BEC is even running? if you have data in the logs then its not running.
BEC requires the config.cfg file to have the correct ip and port and path to your battleye folder. That should all be in there correctly by default.
You do need a file in your battleye folder that has your rcon password in it. There is a link in configuration files tab of your control panel that lets you edit that file.
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ok so once I fix this
02:35:38 : Config Error : WhiteListFile path is not Valid
02:35:38 : Config Error : DisallowPlayerNameChars has no Chars set. DisallowPlayerNameChars will be ignored
10:33:07 : Config Error : WhiteListFile path is not Valid
10:33:07 : Config Error : DisallowPlayerNameChars has no Chars set. DisallowPlayerNameChars will be ignored
I should be good to go?
I dont think those errors would prevent it from working, but maybe. At least you know BEC is running.
Go to your control panel and click the CONFIGURATION icon. Edit the file I am pointing at.

thank u so much for the help. I am a server owner bambi. but that file is empty what should be in there?
If you click on the configuration link instead of the text editor link you can enter your info and it creates it for you

But this is all that goes in there.

RConPassword myRconPwd
MaxPing 500
I set rcon password and still nothing. I've read so many forums and I don't understand what im doing wrong. im sure its something really stupid. not even the messages work its like its not even reading the file. still getting same stuff in error log nothing changed. do I need to add some character's and fix the log maybe?
We had this same discussion going on in another thread. BEC is really SIMPLE to install and configure, but you can have everything absolutely correct and it will not work. But SOMETHING is wrong, but its hard to find....
I will package up my BEC files and post them to you. Just insert your correct IP, etc.. I will detail where... give me a few hours.