How can I correctly reference this file from my init.sqf?


Well-Known Member

I would like to tell my init.sqf file to use a custom cfgVehicles.hpp file, which I have placed inside my mission.pbo's fixes folder. From my understanding it would look something like this
_cfgVehicles = [] execVM "fixes\cfgVehicles.hpp";
or maybe
if (!isDedicated) then {
[] execVM "fixes\cfgVehicles.hpp";

The former will load the server without the desired effect, and the latter leaves me stuck on loading. Could anyone with a bit more knowledge on the subject advise me of the correct way to call this file? Thanks.
I doubt that would work because I believe the execution method only executes .sqf files. Maybe try a call compile instead
when installing base buildings i had to put the .hpp files in the description.ext at the top.
so you could try placing #include "fixes\cfgVehicles.hpp" at the top of the description.ext.

Dunno if this will work
this will not work, hpp files are C++ header files which need to be compiled during the launch of the game. They cannot be mixed with the games virtual machine code which sqf runs under.
Just a thought, but I see that line #8 of vehicle_handleKilled.sqf accesses the CfgVehicles.hpp. I wonder if one could access a modified .hpp file by overriding that .sqf in the mission .pbo?
Looking to override speeds.txt (zed animation speed specifically) from dayz_anim - you wouldn't happen to know if this is possible?
I haven't looked into animations myself. It may work as part of your mission file. Worth a try testing, but I would guess it won't work.