how can I set up a Zombie free Zone?

Ok, i am working on my trading post right now and some new problems have occured...
I'm still using this safezone script on klen
//Base protection for Players with Eventhandler
//requires Trigger with activation BLUEFOR and OPFOR with name Basis_West and Basis_East
// you can't fire out of your own Base
//Those who hit or kill Enemy in it's Base, will be killed
// Parameters: [name of the side trigger for the Base Area]
//if (playerSide == WEST) then {[Basis_West] execVM "safezone.sqf"};
//if (playerSide == EAST) then {[Basis_East] execVM "safezone.sqf"};
Private ["_Basis","_EH_Fired","_EH_Hit","_EH_Killed"];
_Basis = _this select 0; //Basisname
while {true} do
    //wait until Player is in base, then start Eventhandler
    waitUntil {vehicle player in list _Basis};
    player groupchat "i am in Baseshield!";
    _EH_Fired  = vehicle player addEventHandler ["Fired", { NearestObject [_this select 0,_this select 4] setPos[0,0,0]}];
    _EH_Hit    = vehicle player addEventHandler ["Hit",  {_this select 1 setdammage 1; player setDammage 0; vehicle player setDammage 0}];
    _EH_Killed = vehicle player addEventHandler ["Killed",{_this select 1 setdammage 1}];
    //wait until Player left base, then delete EventHandler
    waitUntil {! (vehicle player in list _Basis)};
    player groupchat "i have left Baseshield!";
    player removeEventHandler ["Fired", _EH_Fired];
    player removeEventHandler ["Hit",  _EH_Hit];
    player removeEventHandler ["Killed",_EH_Killed];
, but unfortunally zombies spawn at this location since the new update...and as expected the players who are in the safezone cannot kill zeds....but the zeds can kill the players :(

First i implemented AI with executing DayZ Factions and add_unit_server.sqf to make AI cleaning the area from Zeds, but when AI spawns the Safezone does not work anymore... I think this depends on the new definitions coming up with DayZ factions...
Maybe a zone restriction or Safe zone script-enhancement would fix that problem, but i actually have no idea how to do it.
Is it possible to make a dead zone for the Zeds Faction?
with st like this:

(Player in list Zone); as condition
Player setDamage 1; as action
Which Faction are the Zeds? Can i define a new faction for Zombies?

I also found a script normally used with a hack tool, which makes a Kill-Aura surrounding the player:

if (isNil "zombieshield") then {zombieshield = true;} else {zombieshield = !zombieshield};
 if(zombieshield) then {titleText ["Zombie Shield activated!","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 4;};

 while {zombieshield} do {

 _pos = getPos player;
 _zombies = _pos nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",140];
 _count = count _zombies;

 for "_i" from 0 to (_count -1) do
 _zombie = _zombies select _i; 
 _zombie setDamage 1;
 RandomHeadshots=round(random 4);
 if (!alive _zombie) then {
 zombiekills = player getVariable["zombieKills",0];
 player setVariable["zombieKills",zombiekills+1,true];
 If (RandomHeadshots==1) then {
 _headShots = player getVariable["headShots",0];
 player setVariable["headShots",_headShots+1,true]
 titleText ["Zombie Shield deactivated!","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 4;

Can i also execute it to surround a trigger?
What would be the execution command for that trigger?
I am bothering my head about a solution and would be greatful about any idea!

I haven't tried this but is it possible to setdamage to 1 on zeds to kill them ? If so a onvehicleinit attached to something central to the base (a flag) could monitor, with nearestobjects, a radius around the base. Any zeds found kill them off ?
Here is my orgiriginal post for the safe zone
When i initialize this script it attaches all players on the server...what i need is a initialization only for this location.
i tried this, and executed it in mission/init.sqf with no luck:
//null = execvm[] "zombieshield";
//execVM "Scripts\zombieshield.sqf";
_pos = 11480.972,11329.768;
_zombies = _pos nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",140];
_count = count _zombies;
for "_i" from 0 to (_count -1) do
_zombie = _zombies select _i;
_zombie setDamage 1;
RandomHeadshots=round(random 4);
if (!alive _zombie) then {
zombiekills = player getVariable["zombieKills",0];
player setVariable["zombieKills",zombiekills+1,true];
If (RandomHeadshots==1) then {
_headShots = player getVariable["headShots",0];
player setVariable["headShots",_headShots+1,true]
OK, first thanks for your good will to help:)
What does your first suggestion do? Will it make a safezone without the Script i am using?
or can i just say
if (_spawnZombies && !_xy_inSafeZone) then {execVM "Scripts\zombieshield.sqf";
or st like that..To execute this zombieshield local would be awesome!
And what about axemans idea? I don't really know how to do that but want to give it a try...

I understand that zombies are spawned clientside...and that i would be safe from Zeds...
but me as the admin dont want to "organize" trading...
The players should be able to organize trading or bartering items by themselves in a safe Zone...

I've just added dogs to my mission and recognized, that dogs can make damage to Zeds in that Zone :D lol
But not sure if i can make dogs kill zeds there without having an owner...
In fact i am not that genius in scripting and due to that it does not brings me the expected solution :(
I know time is money, but would you be experienced enough to modify a zombieshield or no aggros- script to secure a certain location from Zeds?
I've already tried this out... I had the AI working and shooting at Zeds...but propably due to the changed site relations coming up with dayZ Factions my safezone hasn't worked anymore...And with my Safe zone there is a damage=0 Zonje...means that if it would work both together, there wouldn't be damage..
I have Dog Houses there...the survivors can get a dog which can kill Zeds in that zone...but havent found a better solution yet...

I also tried this within a trigger
{deleteVehicle _zombie} forEach thisList;
{{deleteVehicle _zombie} foreach crew _zombie; deleteVehicle _zombie} foreach thislist

with no luck.... I would be greatful to get some similar function implemented in my Safe Zone Script ....