How would you port an arma 2 vehicle mod into dayz


I have a arma2 vehicle mod which I have downloaded it is packed into a pbo file.

The mod consists of a completly working helicopter.

My question is how would I go about getting this vehicle imported into dayz.

Is it possible to get the server to load the pbo and force it to download to client via the mission file?

And use the arma 2 misson editor to import the vehicle x,y and so on cords for spawn point?

Can anyone help me out with this as I would love to learn how to do this so I can add more vehicles.
I don't think this is possible without Rmod. Everytime the server fires up it prevents certain vehicles and weapons from spawning. Some vehicles are in DayZ that you can still spawn, for example you can spawn the AH-64 but the FFAR's wont work, but the cannon does, and the helfires will not track. Another example is the Vodnik which cannot be spawned, but the Vodnik HMG can. Once again the cannon on the roof doesn't work but the machinegun it has does.
just add the mod name to the -mod=.... for example the mod name is @newheli
you have to edit your server startparameters -mod=@dayz;@bliss;@newheli
but if you wanna play on the server you need @newheli on your client too
yes I understand that. But I know you can redirect files from the client pbo so why cant you redirect a vehicle mod?
yes I understand that. But I know you can redirect files from the client pbo so why cant you redirect a vehicle mod?

Because that's not the place to define vehicle classes, if it was possible there would already by private hives running banned vehicle/weapon classes. It isn't.
So if we say created a new map could it be included inside the new map mod so when a player downloads it is included that way?
So if we say created a new map could it be included inside the new map mod so when a player downloads it is included that way?

A new map is just a different clientside mod, you can do what you want if your client is not running @dayz

I think it will be beyond you though....
A new map is just a different clientside mod, you can do what you want if your client is not running @dayz

I think it will be beyond you though....

What a lovely answer, No need to be rude tbh.

In all honestly, it is possible and i am working on script for it at the moment, it is a lot work, but like anything if you put the time in you will get the results. it might be a while coming, as i am still getting used how dayz code works. The trick is pack it up as part of your mission PBO. The problem is that depending on what your adding file size is going to go through the roof. Really what you need is init file to run a compile that will install the vehicle client side. there a lot more to it that this, but i am still figuring it out. soon as i get it working i will share :)

What a lovely answer, No need to be rude tbh.

In all honestly, it is possible and i am working on script for it at the moment, it is a lot work, but like anything if you put the time in you will get the results. it might be a while coming, as i am still getting used how dayz code works. The trick is pack it up as part of your mission PBO. The problem is that depending on what your adding file size is going to go through the roof. Really what you need is init file to run a compile that will install the vehicle client side. there a lot more to it that this, but i am still figuring it out. soon as i get it working i will share :)


Any more news on this? Sounds awesome. It doesnt matter if your mission file is 50mb just as long as you dont change it alot they only have to download it once.
What a lovely answer, No need to be rude tbh.

In all honestly, it is possible and i am working on script for it at the moment, it is a lot work, but like anything if you put the time in you will get the results. it might be a while coming, as i am still getting used how dayz code works. The trick is pack it up as part of your mission PBO. The problem is that depending on what your adding file size is going to go through the roof. Really what you need is init file to run a compile that will install the vehicle client side. there a lot more to it that this, but i am still figuring it out. soon as i get it working i will share :)

Yea you get used to people like that. They just have no manners and aren't really willing to help community members who want to learn. I would be very interested in knowing how you reached the finnal product.

I have an idea in my head for a map but sadly that is where it remains until I can figure out the arma map making tools and learn how to script.

Will require a complex large scale building with multiple levels inside it. (not saying anymore) ;)
What a lovely answer, No need to be rude tbh.

In all honestly, it is possible and i am working on script for it at the moment, it is a lot work, but like anything if you put the time in you will get the results. it might be a while coming, as i am still getting used how dayz code works. The trick is pack it up as part of your mission PBO. The problem is that depending on what your adding file size is going to go through the roof. Really what you need is init file to run a compile that will install the vehicle client side. there a lot more to it that this, but i am still figuring it out. soon as i get it working i will share :)


Sounds good! Please keep us updated on your progress :)