Increasing or decreasing heli spawn crashes


New Member
This will increase the frequency of heli spawns on the update.

1. unpack your server.pbo

2. Open the server_monitor.sqf file

3. locate this line of code:
// [_guaranteedLoot, _randomizedLoot, _frequency, _variance, _spawnChance, _spawnMarker, _spawnRadius, _spawnFire, _fadeFire]
nul = [3, 4, (50 * 60), (15 * 60), 1, 'center', 2000, true, false] spawn server_spawnCrashSite;

The code in the (50 * 60), (15 * 60) is the frequency and the variance measured in seconds * minutes to spawn heli crashes.

Lower the (50 * 60) to (5*60) and leave the (15*60) alone this will give you a spawn time of 5 to 25 minute spawn times.

Repack the pbo place onto server and enjoy.

Hope this helps.

3 and 4 are variables for lootspawn not heli crashes, 3 is the guaranteed loot and 4 is the randomloot spawn chances. If you want to increase heli crashes you lower the timers and increase the 2000 in the code above to 4000 there is no min max limit for crashes just position.

Do not go above 4000 as crashes will spawn off the map
I just told you this shit on IRC. BTW you can also leave them alittle more spread out than that and change the .75 into a 1. That will give the choppers a 100% chance of spawning. Also, if you spawn choppers every 5 to 25 minutes you'll have the map covered in them by the end of the server cycle. It will make barracks, and military loot locations obsolete, and in general will probably ruin the gameplay. Keep that in mind.
you did not tell me shit dude I figured this out the day the update was live just waited till now to post it because everyone is asking.
[3, 4, (50 * 60), (15 * 60), 1, 'center', 2000, true, false] spawn server_spawnCrashSite;

In the above code, the 3 is guaranteed loot spots, the 4 is random (example 1-4 additional loot items), the (50*60) means it will make a crash roll every 50 minutes, the 1 is a 100% chance for a chopper to actually spawn. If you want to know how many choppers you have , simply take the crash rolls, in the above case that would be 50 minutes, and divide it by your server cycle.
Well OK GdnSabre, but you were just asking me about this stuff in that IRC. If you had it all figured out, I'm not sure why you were asking basic questions. I could actually care less, as I assumed the code was pretty self explanatory. I think it is good that you posted it, I just was commenting on the fact I just saw you in the IRC, no biggie.
ok so you say the 15*60 make a crash roll every 15 minutes what about the variance which in the code modifies the the other by +/- the original time.

From server_spawncrashsite.sqf:

while {true} do {
    // Allows the variance to act as +/- from the spawn frequency timer
    _timeAdjust = round(random(_variance * 2) - _variance);
    _timeToSpawn = time + _frequency + _timeAdjust;

I understand you know coding but you forgot the variance which will modify the times you can increase or decrease the numbers at your discretion.
please re-read the irc chat I did not ask you I told them that the modifiy code is at the end of the server_monitor.sqf and nothing more

please get your facts straight.
Also if it was pretty self explanatory why are people asking this same question over and over. Not everyone is a coder and you coders need to think about that before you assume that everyone knows what it means.
<GldnSabre> you can lower the time for choppers to spand by decreasing the frew and var setting in the server.pbo
<msconfig> st having some issues right now, they are working on it
<mib_ca5l5n> If it helps.. Rcon goes down, but the server seems.. then rcon comes up and the server goes down lol
<PrideofWales> everyone it seems Beck
<spacesareevil> yes, everyone is having lag issues
<spacesareevil> be patient
<Beck> I see, thanks.
<spacesareevil> they are on it now :)
<mib_n75c88> CAN SOMEONE HELP ME?
<GldnSabre> 50*60 to 50 seconds time 60 minutes
* ideafake ([email protected]) has joined #dayz
<GldnSabre> same for both"
this is all I said in irc.
the variance is really up to you. I made mine (0*1) because I didnt want it to vary. I want to know how many choppers are spawning exactly, and the players will never figure out the exact time anyway. I don't code anything by the way, it just became apparent to me that the .RPT was listing the spawns by how many seconds they were from server start. So a frequency of (50*60) will list the first spawn at about 3000, which is the seconds, or 50 minutes.
Sharing is caring. Credit to all that figured it out and credit to posting the information here in as much detail as possible.

Thank you both.
Ok... I just looked thru my server_monitor.sqf and
// [_guaranteedLoot, _randomizedLoot, _frequency, _variance, _spawnChance, _spawnMarker, _spawnRadius, _spawnFire, _fadeFire]
nul = [3, 4, (50 * 60), (15 * 60), 1, 'center', 2000, true, false] spawn server_spawnCrashSite;

is not located anywhere. Is there a specific place that I need to add this in the sqf file, or do I just add it to the end? I am using as a host if it matters, and really new to dayz server hosting/modding, so forgive my n00bness
it is in the dayz_server.pbo you have to download from in your control panel under the advanced button. inside that file there is 3 directory's you will need to unpack the pbo with pboview or any othere pbo extractor. In the dayz_server/system folder there is a file called system_monitor.sqf and those lines are at the bottom.
Ahh ok. Just checking to see if the bottom of the system_monitor.sqf was acceptable.

I have done a bit of editing on my server (all existing values, no additional code tho), so this helps out a lot.

so im not great with computers and i rented a server and im not sure how to do what you guys are saying...can someone just walk me through it step by step?