Is anti hack fixed yet?

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So lately there has been this big thing about a stupid ass back door for the infiSTAR anti hack and the anti hack is a really good one and alot of the top servers use it but apprently they had a little backdoor for it to the owner so he could cheat on any server that had and now it went public and alot of hackers are coming on my server and banning players or admins..... i recently looked at the changelogs and he has updated it a ton and the latest version AH0321 has new "secure" settings.... and theres alot of "backdoor patches" so i enabled the password and all the forbidden keys and does anyone know if hackers can still just come in and log in as master admins?
What do you expect when you set up hacks for admins to use? The hackers have the same tools and are going to find a back way in!
if you can't write your own antihack, its much better than not having one, and just using battleye alone. They've implemented a password system, so its considerably harder now.
Ya that password still allowed someone on my server to ban everyone and then he got banned by it afterward for not typing in the right password, thought it was kinda strange!
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