Keep scripts out of Scroll Wheel while activating a _cursorTarget!


Has anyone came accross this. I'm looking for another variable, to add into my scripts to make them not pop up and be there when there not supposed to be there.

the first one is from bloodbag script that I use.
_canDo = (!r_drag_sqf and !r_player_unconscious and !_onLadder);

Second one I use is,
(speed player <= 1)
Keeps it from popping up if your moving forward.

I noticed
_cursorTarget = cursorTarget;

The code I would like to add this to is.

speed player <= 1) && hasBagItem && _canDo
I tried adding "&& !_cursorTarget" and I get script errors, any Ideas?

I would like to add "Does Not Have A Cursor Target" to this code, such as !_cursorTarget so If a player is looking at a door or a vehicle or a gear pile they will not get the option to bloodbag or something. Thanks guys much appreciated, this will probably benefit everyone lol. ;)
So would using the bloodbag as an example.

The idea is instead of blood bagging or executing some other script while trying to perform actions in the world. Such as opening a door or going to gear. Thanks a lot! ;)

if ((isNull cursorTarget) and ("ItemBloodbag" in _mags)) then {
would that work?
Well that was it! Thanks very much ebay! For anyone who might be interested. Like so.

if (isNull cursorTarget and ("ItemBloodbag" in _mags)) then {