Looking for Script


New Member
Im currently looking for a script that I have seen on a server I used to play on a while back that had a character selection screen that gave you 3 different characters to choose from once loading into the server and I for the life of me cannot find this script. If you know of the script I am referring to please link it to me in this thread it will be very helpful to me as to the fact that it is something I can use towards my server.
here it is
take a look at your hiveext.ini, it will have the host, db, userid and password.
I use Mysql workbench, others use navicat etc .. but just plug in the info
I guess whatever program you use and become familiar with is easiest, but I have tried navicat and heidisql and they are difficult. Mysql workbench is as simple as it looks. Not as simple as phpmyadmin which is my preferred, but thats not possible with vilayer (which is dumb).