Morox AI - Sycosis Simple AI mod

Is there any way to mod this for Zombies? I'm thinking of a Zombie Horde that roams the map. I've found many threads where the concept is discussed, but no one seemed to ever make any progress.
That would be tough as the Zombies are Agents and not really AI, it's good because it allows for more groups than the AI can have but it means all the actions have to be codded manually, it's the main reason I have not completed Zeds actually being able to hurt AI,
I see. Was just an idea. And I'm almost positive I've seen a Zombie kill an AI, what's left to be completed on that front?
Currently they will run up to the AI and they will then just spread their arms, what usually ends up happening is another AI will shoot at the zombie and kill the AI. The zombie attack action's are all predicated on the distance to Player - then it plays a random attack animation and does a bunch of calculations on the damage done (broken bone etc) - for the AI this would be quite different as their stats are not tracked in the DB like a player, which means writing new functions for that handling. Sadly I have been working on other projects and have not had the time to work on this.
I installed this but the AI bodies dissapear straight away, how do you we have it so they dissapear after a certain length of time ie 10 minutes? Is this even possible?

??? since when are we hiding knowledge here ? Post and share so others can see your solution as well.


Okay first get your mission.sqm file from your mission.pbo and place it in documents > arma 2 other profiles> your profile > (create a folder called MPMission)>(create a folder called whatever, I called mine Zombie Horde) > place your mission.sqm inside Then open up dayz, esc back to the main menu, click multiplayer > new > accept default settings> select your map > click the "new editor" text > load your mission file Then go to wherever you want to place a zombie > click units > civilian> select the zombie class > place a zombie ( make him rank - Colonel so the other zombies will follow him) > place up to 20 other zombies around him (they will have a blue line connecting to the colonel) Then select waypoints at the right, click on your zombie colonel, double click where you want him to go (straight line, use many waypoints if you want them to walk along a road or something), set combat mode to open fire, engage at will (causes them to attack any player they see, if for any reason this doesn't work I believe you fix it in your mission.sqm by changing their side to east), dont touch formation (its unnecessary if you want a horde), set speed to whatever you like (limited - walking, normal-run/walk, full - charge their asses off) I suggest full, set behavior to careless.

Now just save it as a user mission and go back into your MPMissions folder in your documents. It should have created something like ZombieHorde%20chernarus or something. Then just drag and drop that Mission.sqm into your mission pbo replacing the old one. Screw with the settings in this to your liking, you can do this to set military ai patrols such as tank patrols, heli patrols, hell you can just have static ai protecting a fort you made using this.
Okay first get your mission.sqm file from your mission.pbo and place it in documents > arma 2 other profiles> your profile > (create a folder called MPMission)>(create a folder called whatever, I called mine Zombie Horde) > place your mission.sqm inside Then open up dayz, esc back to the main menu, click multiplayer > new > accept default settings> select your map > click the "new editor" text > load your mission file Then go to wherever you want to place a zombie > click units > civilian> select the zombie class > place a zombie ( make him rank - Colonel so the other zombies will follow him) > place up to 20 other zombies around him (they will have a blue line connecting to the colonel) Then select waypoints at the right, click on your zombie colonel, double click where you want him to go (straight line, use many waypoints if you want them to walk along a road or something), set combat mode to open fire, engage at will (causes them to attack any player they see, if for any reason this doesn't work I believe you fix it in your mission.sqm by changing their side to east), dont touch formation (its unnecessary if you want a horde), set speed to whatever you like (limited - walking, normal-run/walk, full - charge their asses off) I suggest full, set behavior to careless.

Now just save it as a user mission and go back into your MPMissions folder in your documents. It should have created something like ZombieHorde%20chernarus or something. Then just drag and drop that Mission.sqm into your mission pbo replacing the old one. Screw with the settings in this to your liking, you can do this to set military ai patrols such as tank patrols, heli patrols, hell you can just have static ai protecting a fort you made using this.

Sorry if it's confusing, ill try uploading a tutorial at some point, maybe in a few days when im less busy.
I know how to do this, send me a pm

Also just realized I quoted the wrong post, meant to quote
Is there any way to mod this for Zombies? I'm thinking of a Zombie Horde that roams the map. I've found many threads where the concept is discussed, but no one seemed to ever make any progress.

Are they disappearing right when they get killed, or are they sinking in to the ground after you kill them? I added the body vanish into ground thing by request but it should be commented out in the OP version. If they are dying right when you kill them you may be using Sycosis's old files instead of mine.

Matt L,

I see you are changing them from being agents into being AI by doing this, it seems like a valid way to make a hoard, though even you may hit the Side # limits if you make this to large and have a lot of other AI.

Are they disappearing right when they get killed, or are they sinking in to the ground after you kill them? I added the body vanish into ground thing by request but it should be commented out in the OP version. If they are dying right when you kill them you may be using Sycosis's old files instead of mine.

Matt L,

I see you are changing them from being agents into being AI by doing this, it seems like a valid way to make a hoard, though even you may hit the Side # limits if you make this to large and have a lot of other AI.

Yeah, and if you put to much it can cause lag. I limited my horde to roughly about 20.

Are they disappearing right when they get killed, or are they sinking in to the ground after you kill them? I added the body vanish into ground thing by request but it should be commented out in the OP version. If they are dying right when you kill them you may be using Sycosis's old files instead of mine.

Matt L,

I see you are changing them from being agents into being AI by doing this, it seems like a valid way to make a hoard, though even you may hit the Side # limits if you make this to large and have a lot of other AI.

They are killed and then sink into the ground like when you hide a players body in game!
Ok, in the unit_killed.sqf make sure you comment out this part:
_vanishchance = 90;
_vanish = random 100;
if ( _vanish < _vanishchance) then { 
hidebody _player;

As you can see It should be normally commented out.
So are the AI supposed to be able to spawn zombies? For example, if I am outside elektro in the mountains and zoom in to where i put them, even if there are no players around, will zombies still appear?
At the moment they do not spawn their own zombies, as I have not solved the issue of zeds attacking AI not really fair to have them spawn zeds, I do have working code for this (Ai spawning and engaging their own zeds) hopefully I will have the zed attack AI solved by the end of the week.
Good to hear there is some advancement towards the Zed attacking AI. I have been tinkering around with MATT L setup, trying to make a military convoy with waypoints to travel around Chernarus. Im using Sarges Ai script at the moment, and also have morox's installed, i was thinking if i could somehow use Morox's Ai to travel in a convoy with set waypoints, and have them also have the same effect as a player would by entering a grid with the random possibilitys of AI spawning from sarges script. the most Im looking for out of this is setting up a convoy of say 2 hummvees and 1 MVR controlled by AI with set waypoints. I have so far gotten the AI in the editor to get into the vehicles and travel my waypoints. but can i do this with morox's AI placement instead of using the editor AI and have the same effect?... tried to simplify it best i can
Ok, so I have completed the very "ALPHA" version of a couple of the requests that I have had here on this board and others, as well as some minor bug fixes to the code. The newly added features are the following:

1. AI will as they enter towns and pass near buildings spawn their own Zombies.
2. Zombies will, on sight/hearing attack AI - not only run towards but actually damage and kill them.
3. Added a feature to create paths/waypoints in 2D Arma editor and convert it to my AI script, you can take an mission.sqm and convert it (only waypoints are used, [not tested with vehicles]), so if you want to define a bunch of custom paths for AI, mixed with random, this is now possible - Extreme Alpha....

I am debating opening a new thread for these changes - thoughts?, I should have them packaged and up within the next day, it is a lot of files that had to be modified and added to make this work, I think since the removal of file posting and the "length" restrictions of posts, I will work on a d/l pack and doc to explain as best as I can what I did to make this work. At the moment it is very tied in to my existing AI script, I have not looked into adding the (converter/ai attack/spawn) functionality to any other AI packs (Sarge's/Axeman's/even orig Sycosis).

If any one has any further requests or questions about this let me know, I hope to have a link up soon, and I would appreciate and assist anyone willing to alpha test this as I have not had the opportunity to do a whole lot.
Ok, so I have completed the very "ALPHA" version of a couple of the requests that I have had here on this board and others, as well as some minor bug fixes to the code. The newly added features are the following:

1. AI will as they enter towns and pass near buildings spawn their own Zombies.
2. Zombies will, on sight/hearing attack AI - not only run towards but actually damage and kill them.
3. Added a feature to create paths/waypoints in 2D Arma editor and convert it to my AI script, you can take an mission.sqm and convert it (only waypoints are used, [not tested with vehicles]), so if you want to define a bunch of custom paths for AI, mixed with random, this is now possible - Extreme Alpha....

I am debating opening a new thread for these changes - thoughts?, I should have them packaged and up within the next day, it is a lot of files that had to be modified and added to make this work, I think since the removal of file posting and the "length" restrictions of posts, I will work on a d/l pack and doc to explain as best as I can what I did to make this work. At the moment it is very tied in to my existing AI script, I have not looked into adding the (converter/ai attack/spawn) functionality to any other AI packs (Sarge's/Axeman's/even orig Sycosis).

If any one has any further requests or questions about this let me know, I hope to have a link up soon, and I would appreciate and assist anyone willing to alpha test this as I have not had the opportunity to do a whole lot.

I will gladly add this onto my server and help test the alpha.