Need help adding some scripts to my server.


Hi, i'm looking for someone to help me with adding some scripts on my server. I've added some allready and know the basics, but some are just to advanced for me. Had a little help from another guy earlier aswell. I'm running good ol' Chernarus, using Dayz.St as a host.
Things i'm looking to add in.
-Animated helicrashes (somehow i can't get this to work no matter how many times i've followed the instructions)
-Base building (same as above)

Also have some ideas that would require scripting and coding basically.
13mknight. Sure. After scrolling a bit around the forums i actually found out that a lot of people had these ideas, but i guess it's hard to make them. If i knew how to script i would give it a go :( Most of my ideas are based on having a use for the useless items in dayz.

1. Implementing merchants on the server, i know epoch has done it but i really would like to add it in my vanilla dayz server. Basically the idea is that players can come to the tradecenter and buy stuff from different merchants using empty tincans/bottles/sodacans, toiletpaper, razors, well anything that doesn't have any use atm in Dayz. For this idea it would need an npc merchant (similar to epoch). Maybe melt these items to make "metal" which can be used as currency (again like epoch).

2. Adding a zombie "horde" that aggros/runs from berezino to kamenka or something like that, and once killed they won't return until next restart. Perhaps making them a bit faster and stronger then regular zeds, making them a treath to players. I'm thinking this could be done like SargeAi has done his NPCs script. But like i said, my scripting knowledge is nothing, i know how to add scripts in the server thanks to tutorials done by the good people here at opendayz, but that's basically it. The only problem i'm thinking this would add is massive server lag.

I'm hoping to get some nice scripters out there to help me with these ideas! would be awesome.
Still looking for someone who can help me with adding Basebuilding and animated helicrashes/c130 crashes to the server. Keep getting errors in my .rpt log when i add the crashes myself. No idea how to solve it. And adding base building i always get stuck on requesting authentication.
Though you're ideas seem cool. I'm afraid to say my scripting knowledge is not at that level either. it's slightly more than nil but not that advanced. I might be able to help with your .RPT error though if you'd like to copy paste it in a reply.
I'll first try to remove the animated c130 crashes first, to see if it's actually something else causing these error messages, haven't checked my rpt logs for a goooood while. I'll get back to you.
Okey. Just figured out it isn't the animated script adding these errors. But something else :( Can't figure out what it is tho :( i'll copy the code here. Have plenty of scripts added, but not sure which one is giving all these errors. Also made alot of changes to my map with custom buildings and etc.
In the beginning of the file this one comes alot, i checked the source, but can't seem to find out what the problem is.

_countr = _count>
4:01:42 Error position: <select _countr)];
_countr = _count>
4:01:42 Error Zero divisor
4:01:42 File z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf, line 157
4:01:42 Error in expression < addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];

Then i have this one showing up alot aswell.

4:01:45 "SAR_AI: Area & Trigger definition finalized"
4:01:45 "SAR_AI: Static Spawning for Helicopter patrols started"
4:01:45 Error in expression <dom), [(_rndpos select 0) + 10, _rndpos select 1, 80], [], 0, "FLY"];
_heli setF>
4:01:45 Error position: <select 1, 80], [], 0, "FLY"];
_heli setF>
4:01:45 Error Zero divisor
4:01:45 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\addons\SARGE\SAR_setup_AI_patrol_heli.sqf, line 123
4:01:45 "CRASHSPAWNER: Starting spawn logic for Crash Spawner"
4:01:45 "CRASHSPAWNER: 100% chance to spawn 'Crashed UH-1Y' with loot table 'Military' at 1440"
4:01:45 Warning: z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\compass.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 863, 853, 852
4:01:46 Error in expression <dom), [(_rndpos select 0) + 10, _rndpos select 1, 80], [], 0, "FLY"];
_heli setF>
4:01:46 Error position: <select 1, 80], [], 0, "FLY"];
_heli setF>
4:01:46 Error Zero divisor
4:01:46 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\addons\SARGE\SAR_setup_AI_patrol_heli.sqf, line 123
4:01:46 Error in expression <dom), [(_rndpos select 0) + 10, _rndpos select 1, 80], [], 0, "FLY"];
_heli setF>
4:01:46 Error position: <select 1, 80], [], 0, "FLY"];
_heli setF>
4:01:46 Error Zero divisor
4:01:46 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\addons\SARGE\SAR_setup_AI_patrol_heli.sqf, line 123
4:01:46 "SAR_AI: Static Spawning for Helicopter patrols finished"
4:01:46 "SAR_AI: Static Spawning for infantry and heli patrols finished"
4:01:46 "DEBUG FPS : 15.1515"
4:01:46 Error in expression <d", "_interval","_delay"];

And this one just comes constantly.

_payload = _x select 0;
_interval = _x select 1;
4:01:46 Error position: <_x select 0;
_interval = _x select 1;
4:01:46 Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
4:01:46 Error in expression <d", "_interval","_delay"];

I have no idea what the problem is. If anyone could help me that would be awesome. Don't really want to start all over with the scripting :(
Anyone? I have added the c130/an2 crashes to my server. but seem to get an error.

12:56:26 "C130StartCRASHSPAWNER: started flying from [6993.7,173.053,300] to [4840.24,8308.12] NOW!(TIME:2134||LT:HeliCrash_No50s)"
12:56:26 Cannot create non-ai vehicle an2,
12:56:27 "C130CRASHSPAWNER: Adding Pre-POC-Waypoint #1 on [11698.5,9959.03]"
12:56:27 "C130CRASHSPAWNER: Adding Pre-POC-Waypoint #2 on [5022.68,8930.42]"
12:56:27 "C130CRASHSPAWNER: Adding Pre-POC-Waypoint #3 on [4619.31,7012.74]"
12:56:27 "C130CRASHSPAWNER: Adding Pre-POC-Waypoint #4 on [4473.53,4596.19]"
12:56:27 "C130CRASHSPAWNER: Adding Pre-POC-Waypoint #5 on [5736.97,7041.77]"
12:56:27 "C130EndCRASHSPAWNER: just exploded at [0,0,0]!, "
12:56:40 Cannot create non-ai vehicle an2wreck,

I think those lines that i've marked are doing that i don't have the crashes working...
Change An2 in your script to AN2_DZ and change the wreck to AN2_DZWreck, I still need to check the wreck that works on cherno, i run panthera u see and use a c130 :p
Thanks gorsy. Solved the other error issues. And can confirm that An2_DZwreck does not exist. But i still get the an2 flying around, awesome. But when it crashes it just leaves a crater and loot. hehe.
lol try the following, its more likely one of them as the AN2 was modified by rocket to be in dayz


if u want heli crashes just follow my tut on the planes but rename everything with a 1 on the end of the scripts and change the model and wreck name to heli's, then ull have both

that includes the server monitor, server functions, and the file name
if u want heli crashes just follow my tut on the planes but rename everything with a 1 on the end of the scripts and change the model and wreck name to heli's, then ull have both

that includes the server monitor, server functions, and the file name

So if i understood it right, i'll rename the server_spawnc130crashsite.sqf to server_spawnc130crashsite1.sqf?
And then basically add these lines in server monitor etc:
server_spawnC130CrashSite = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnC130CrashSite1.sqf";// [_guaranteedLoot, _randomizedLoot, _frequency, _variance(DONOTUSE), _spawnChance, _spawnMarker, _spawnRadius, _spawnFire, _fadeFire, waypoints, damage]
nul = [7, 5, 700, 0, 0.99, 'center', 4000, true, false, true, 5, 1]spawn server_spawnC130CrashSite1;
Then just change the an2 to uh1h and so forth? :)