New server owner needs more help...

I have the old pbo's that my friend and I used in our old server, however after I uploaded them into my database and I try and join the game, I along with other people who try and join get "you were kicked, script restriction #126" or something along those lines. My question is A) what is script restriction 126 and B) how do i fix it..i apologize for being so knowledgeable in this kind of stuff

thank you in advance :)

edit: some info on the server, pbo's ran on a hosted server and I am now trying to run them on an hfb hosted server, don't know if that helps or not
Start with HFB's default PBOs and mod them again. They may be slightly different since DayZ.ST uses a custom build of reality.

For script restrictions you need to go into your Battleye directory. Open scripts.txt and start counting every line that begins with //. When you reach line 126 add the number you counted to 126 and the result will be the line that is kicking you. Change it from a 5 (kick) to 1 (log) or 0 (do nothing). You could also just delete the line or add // at the front of it.
that works but it leaves a hole that hackers can walk through. if you know the name of the script that is causing the kick you can add a filter to that line like this
 // example taken from my admin tools battleye scripts.txt filters
1 allowDamage !"Godmode.sqf"
i better example can be found here
Do either of you have the default pbo's that dayz uses? I stupidly didn't save them from being able to just re-download them off of, and if you don't have them do you know where I could find them? that's the mission and server pbo's just so you know