no entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.'.

DZAI spawns each unit individually as opposed to using the BIS spawnGroup function, so every item/setting on each unit is tightly micromanaged. I'll see if adding commands to clear the vehicle weapon and magazine cargo will help anything. Each AI unit also has their inventory cleaned out before their loadout is assigned.
I don't see GUE_Soldier_Scout in there either. Checked the helispawns, I'll check the actual DayZ code shortly..
And thank you Buttface for DZAI, it really adds a much needed element back to DayZ and that's survival. With JSRS it's unreal.
UH_1H is what I'm shooting down. I've noticed after clearing all the Kobra references it still happens but not as often.. Maybe 1 in 4 being shot down.
So it's trying to spawn a half-ghillie soldier with a silenced Kobra when the chopper goes down.. Does this mean anything to you Buttface?
The strange part is that the AI are spawned at the same time the helicopters are spawned, and are the same units ejected when the heli goes down.

If AI inventories aren't cleaned out properly during spawning then you would be seeing AI with double rifles in their inventory, if you've never seen this happen then it might mean the AKS is somewhere in your DayZ loot tables. Try adding the full classname of the silenced AKS into the dynamic weapon banlist like so (in your dzai_config file):

DZAI_banAIWeapons = ["AKS_74_UN_kobra"];

This way, the weapon never enters the AI weapon tables and will never be assigned. This is only if you have the dynamic weapon list enabled, which is on by default.
That's super strange... well, at least we eliminated what the problem is not about. At this time I don't know how DZAI could possibly be responsible - it doesn't add the AKS to the weapon tables, it removes all default weapons from each AI unit, and generally doesn't do anything with it.
The time of death for heli AI is recorded from the moment they are ejected. The minimum amount of time that must pass is determined by DZAI_cleanupDelay in dzai_config.sqf, which also determines the cleanup time for all dead DZAI units. So, they should remain for a minimum of 5 minutes.

The next update will prevent cleanup if a player is within 10 meters of any dead AI body, so looting shouldn't be interrupted.
Thanks so much for your help!

And that's fantastic, my server relies on DZAI so I'm doing a lot of changes and playing with them, you've done an awesome job!
fgw said:
i'm using DZAI for my crashsites, where i spawn a heli about every 10 minutes to fly to a random location on the map and crash. before crash the crew exits and patrols the crash site. removed the zeds around the crashsite as i prefer ai to patrol the site instead. of course the heli can be taken down anywhere on its way and will crash at this place as intended with its crew ejected and patrolling the site.

How did you do this ??
If you want to prevent dynamic AI spawns, then there's the area blacklists. Other than that, no, I don't see any reason to encourage players to remain stationary.
Could you shed more light on:

DZAI_airWeapons = [
        //Air vehicle classnames (Remember: no comma for last entry! Otherwise, separate each string with commas)
        //Corresponding weapon classnames (Remember: no comma for last entry! Otherwise, separate each string with commas)

As in provide an example? I'm not sure on how to approach this.
If you pretend the UH1H_DZ is an unarmed helicopter for this example, then you would make these replacements:

"Helicopter1_ExampleClassname" >> "UH1H_DZ"
"Helicopter1_ExampleWeapon" >> "M240_veh"

What the spawn script does is check if the air vehicle type is unarmed, if so, it checks if the air vehicle type has an entry in the "air vehicle classnames" section. If so, it reads the weapon classname in the "corresponding weapon classnames" section, finds the corresponding magazine classname, then adds both the vehicle weapon and magazine to the vehicle.