Norrins Chopper Taxi Script


Hi there,

was anyone out there be able to get Norrins Chopper Taxi Script to run on DayZ Vanilla ?
If yes, i would be glad about a pm. Got it to initalize w/o error messages but the ingame menu does not appear. In ArmA2 w/o DayZ it works fine.

I tested that also in the editor, worked fine. I never tried it in Dayz because it uses about 20 files for something that requires 20 lines of code.
Put a heli at NWAB and have a pilot standby, in your addaction menu item run a script that has that pilot get into the heli, set waypoint to your position, set wp action to get in so he comes down for you, then set waypoint to where you want to go whether its a mapclick position for a city name.

There are several scripts that do exactly that on armaholic .. all in just a few simple files.