Origins Server?

Step 1: good
Step 2: Good
Step 3: create a new table in your database and call it something like Dayz_origins
Step 4: Create a database user and give it access to the table you have just created
Step 5: run the dayz_origins.sql on your datatable that YOU HAVE JUST CREATED!
Step 6: Edit the hive.ini file to match your database settings.
Step 7: go turn the kettle on
Step 8: Send cortez £1,000,000 through paypal
Step 9: i'm now rich and you might have a working server.

I copied the files over exactly as they were to the root of OA but I guess that wasn't correct. I am getting the following error:

13:21:19 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.tavi, dayz_code, dayz_weapons, dayz_equip, dayz_vehicles, osshdy, dayz
13:21:20 Missing addons detected:
13:21:20 tavi
13:21:20 dayz_code
13:21:20 dayz_weapons
13:21:20 dayz_equip
13:21:20 dayz_vehicles
13:21:20 osshdy
13:21:20 dayz
When I try to use Cortez's files, I cannot get the server to work properly. When I try to connect, it ends up hanging at "Something went wrong, please disconnect and try again." WHen I check the arma2oaserver.rpt, it ends at this part:

16:24:31 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf not found
16:24:31 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf not found
I've re-PBO'd the files, but cannot seem to get it to work. The two files it says are not there are. Any idea what I might have done wrong?
You should unpack the PBO when you put it on github and make a small scripts called build.bat that will repack the PBO for the normal user.
My 2cents.

They contain both packed and unpacked.
I don't know enough to create a script to do it.
I just use PBO Manager and do it when ever changes are made.
When I try to use Cortez's files, I cannot get the server to work properly. When I try to connect, it ends up hanging at "Something went wrong, please disconnect and try again." WHen I check the arma2oaserver.rpt, it ends at this part:

16:24:31 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf not found
16:24:31 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf not found
I've re-PBO'd the files, but cannot seem to get it to work. The two files it says are not there are. Any idea what I might have done wrong?
you repacked the dayz_server.pbo file without the right prefix...
so what we need now is a file to get the signatures working with the original sign files...
Alright, so we've had our Origins Files running on a dedicated box here for a few days and have been tracking issues we've had.

1. Loots seems to not spawn quick enough and then disappears after you leave the building.
2. Players who kill to many zombies will not get zombies spawned for them until they relog.
3. usage of the variables.sqf makes trash piles and dayz wrecks/ military camps in kameni and novi dobor not spawn.
4. Destroyed Vehicles don't respawn after server restarts 100% of the time.
5. When the time is changing from day to night it starts to get dark and then pop's back to full day time.
so what we need now is a file to get the signatures working with the original sign files...
ok i did some research with the dayz sign and bikey files with my own generated files and with the origins files...
i found a method to extract the bikey out of the sign files *YEAHYEAH* ^^

and now... i proudly present... the bikey file for origins 1.7.1 ready to use on your servers...
You should unpack the PBO when you put it on github and make a small scripts called build.bat that will repack the PBO for the normal user.
My 2cents.

Tried this and all I get is the following spammed in the console:

"Mission Dayz Origins read from bank"
Quick note to all the people complaining about not being able to connect to the MySQL database, people such as the following......

Guys please help.... i downloaded silvers server pack and i keep getting this :
16:34:14 Database(0): [Warning] Could not connect to MySQL database at Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061), retrying in 1 seconds
16:34:16 Database(0): [Warning] Could not connect to MySQL database at Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061), retrying in 1 seconds
16:34:18 Database(0): [Warning] Could not connect to MySQL database at Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061), retrying in 1 seconds
16:34:20 Database(0): [Warning] Could not connect to MySQL database at Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061), retrying in 1 seconds
Also if i just download this pack is there vehicles already spawed or i need to spawn them ?
If anyone ould give me a server pack that had vehicles and loot fixed it will be much appriciated!


2013-05-25 11:59:17 HiveExt: [Information] HiveExt ce45a1f7524c
2013-05-25 11:59:19 Database: [Error] Error 1044 (Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'dayz_origins') in connect
2013-05-25 11:59:19 HiveExt: [Debug] Uninitializing subsystem: Logging Subsystem
2013-05-25 12:23:08 HiveExt: [Information] HiveExt ce45a1f7524c
2013-05-25 12:23:08 Database: [Error] Error 1045 (Access denied for user 'CHANGEME'@'localhost' (using password: YES)) in connect
2013-05-25 12:23:08 HiveExt: [Debug] Uninitializing subsystem: Logging Subsystem
Please stop NOW and look up how to even host a ArmA 2 server, please please! In order to even launch the server you need to install and create/configure a MySQL dayabase, I suggest you follow the this bambi friendly DayZ Server setup tutorial and stick to fully working versions of DayZ as an Origins server right now isn't the best as many things aren't working correct so stick with what works if you don't know what your doing to even get a/the server fired up.
Put the files up on Git and tried my best to take all the pieces of instructions and files and put them together as one.


Nice to see some one took the time to upload the communities work. I don't know if everyone here is of the same opinion but I think any additional modification to the files other than the fixes to prevent server freezes and get things working as intended by the DayzOrigins mod should be kept out of a public repository.

Maybe you could add a mission statement to the readme and work toward it, some thing like:

"This is a community driven project aimed at providing the files and fixes necessary to run a DayzOrigins private hive server without any change to the player experience. Modifications to the files and code that provide a experience other than that of the original DayzOrigins mod is outside the scope of this project."

I have already remove the custom debug window from my server files and would be happy to help out where I can.

As some one else mentioned it would probably be better to exclude the .pbo files from the repository. If you include cpbo.exe from an appropriate build.bat would be
cpbo -p MPMissions\
cpbo -p\addons\dayz_server

Thanks to Cortez every one here for their work on these fixes, I'm am no Arma script guru and would have got nowhere without the info and files provided here.
Alright, so we've had our Origins Files running on a dedicated box here for a few days and have been tracking issues we've had.

1. Loots seems to not spawn quick enough and then disappears after you leave the building.
2. Players who kill to many zombies will not get zombies spawned for them until they relog.
3. usage of the variables.sqf makes trash piles and dayz wrecks/ military camps in kameni and novi dobor not spawn.
4. Destroyed Vehicles don't respawn after server restarts 100% of the time.
5. When the time is changing from day to night it starts to get dark and then pop's back to full day time.

Do you have a fix for 3. yet? That seems to be one of the only problems I have on my server.
Think you forgot to put the map folder.
I did the same thing on the first install.

You were right. Thanks.

Now I'm getting kicked by spript restriction #115 when trying to join the server. It's relatred to

;" !"dayz_myBackpack addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,(_backpackWpnQtys select _countr)];" !"if (_bcpkWpn != \"\") then {\ndayz_myBackpack addWeaponCargoGlobal [_bcpkWpn,1];\n};\n};" !"if (_iItem != \"\") then {\n_item addWeaponCargoGlobal [_iItem,1];\n};"

Any idea how to fix?
My server log is getting spammed wit:

17:13:37 "CLEANUP: _itemNumer = 2, _itemNumerP=0, _itemNumerHP=25"
17:13:37 "Animals deleted = 0(Rabbits 0), Animals alive=0"
17:13:37 "At=[]"

Is this normal, have I set something wrong? how can I stop the spam?