Origins Server?

Is there a fix in this thread for the house bug?

I had a Hero L1 house set up, tons of gear in it, and I exited, and entered the house, and all the gear was permanently gone.

It happens randomly to random players.
No, i need just object_data line for full builded house for test loot.

ObjID 999
ObjUID 1234512345
Instance 1
Classname large_shed_lvl_1
Damage 0
WorldSpace ##########
Inventory NULL
Hitpoints [["stage_1",0],["stage_2",0],["YOUR_PLAYER_NAME",1.0e07],["passwordtut",1111]]
Fuel 0
Timestamp NULL

The 1.0e07 in the hitpoints STAYS THE SAME no matter what your character name is. Make sure to change the CharacterUID above, the worldspace, put your player's name in the hitpoints, and change the password to any 4 digit passcode you choose.

Thanks very much man, this is awesome. I was working on something very similar.
But im having troubles finding co-ord (ingame --> worldspace)

Do you know worldspace co-ords for prison island?

I go by heli there and choose a good position by foot, copy the coordinates from my character_data out of the database. Thats the fastest way.
Got a problem today that my Arma.exe stopped working and crashed the server random.
I think thats the same problem.

Btw, anyone running the DB on linux? i cant import it because there is errors, it seems to only work on windows and thats pretty lame.

DELIMITER ;; CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`` PROCEDURE `pCleanupOOB`() BEGIN DECLARE intLineCount INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE intDummyCount INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE intDoLine INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE intWest INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE intNorth INT DEFAULT 0; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO intLineCount FROM object_data; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO intDummyCount FROM object_data WHERE Classname = 'dummy'; WHILE (intLineCount > intDummyCount) DO SET intDoLine = intLineCount - 1; SELECT ObjectUID, Worldspace INTO @rsObjectUID, @rsWorldspace FROM object_data LIMIT intDoLine, 1; SELECT REPLACE(@rsWorldspace, '[', '') INTO @rsWorldspace; SELECT REPLACE(@rsWorldspace, ']', '') INTO @rsWorldspace; SELECT REPLACE(SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING_INDEX(@rsWorldspace, ',', 2), LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(@rsWorldspace, ',', 2 -1)) + 1), ',', '') INTO @West; SELECT REPLACE(SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING_INDEX(@rsWorldspace, ',', 3), LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(@rsWorldspace,[...]

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'intDoLine, 1;

SELECT REPLACE(@rsWorldspace, '[', '') INTO @rsWorldspace;
' at line 49
If you guys that working on the git would have access to the official server files, what files should you need to solve the problem with house inventory gets deleted?
Done - Thanks.

I asked you there but will ask you here also, does this line have to be enabled?
//[3,true,true,3] execFSM "core_time.fsm";

I have found an error in the file of the mission, which resulted in an accelerated time does not work.

[3,true,true,3] execFSM "core_time.fsm";[/quote]

this is what is the default, and must be so

// Adjusts for 4hr day/night (Not working)
[6,true,true,6] execFSM "core_time.fsm";

Only in this case, the time will come rapidly, within 1 minute of real time 6 minutes the server time, the result would be 24 hours on a server in 4 hours in real time. I have made ​​myself and it works.

I'm sorry for bad English, using Google translator
I have found an error in the file of the mission, which resulted in an accelerated time does not work.

[3,true,true,3] execFSM "core_time.fsm";[/quote]

this is what is the default, and must be so

// Adjusts for 4hr day/night (Not working)
[6,true,true,6] execFSM "core_time.fsm";

Only in this case, the time will come rapidly, within 1 minute of real time 6 minutes the server time, the result would be 24 hours on a server in 4 hours in real time. I have made ​​myself and it works.

I'm sorry for bad English, using Google translator

That would only make for 4 hr days
4 hr day/night = 4 hours day + 4 hours night = 8 hours.
That's why it's 1:3 ratio.

And there was a fix added to the code yesterday.
But when enabled, to me it seemed like the loot and zombies were very slow to sqawn.
So we disabled it, and just restart the server every 8 hrs starting the day at around 2pm.
But when enabled, to me it seemed like the loot and zombies were very slow to sqawn.

Yes such a feature has been seen zombie behavior. but as long as I test this supplement

more interested in the question, Does anyone have a code in the database table about vehicle "bath mobility"?