Origins Server?

Always make sure you're running it as user $ROOT
i would not recommend to run stuff as ROOT, only a noob would ever do that.

Its better if you change the user in the MySQL routines like me to dayz and make a new user for the DB and stuff.

I really hate when ppl tells ppl to run stuff AS root...
i would not recommend to run stuff as ROOT, only a noob would ever do that.

Its better if you change the user in the MySQL routines like me to dayz and make a new user for the DB and stuff.

I really hate when ppl tells ppl to run stuff AS root...

Which is fine and dandy if you give the user superuser status, then run whatever you want to your hearts desire. It's just that many things will only run/execute properly as Root, such as the import of the DB and certain other proceedures. But whatever, I'm lazy.
Look at line 44 or the line that starts with 5 setFuel and add this to the end of the line:
!"\"dayzSetFuel\"" !"if (_fuel >= 1.0) then { _fuel = 1.0; };"

Then restart your server or if you know how, reload your scripts in Bec.

I'm not having this issue but i see no refuel to begin with, where would i enable it? I don't have the option to refuel. I think you said you would have to in a earlier post.
I'm not having this issue but i see no refuel to begin with, where would i enable it? I don't have the option to refuel. I think you said you would have to in a earlier post.

You can't have this issue becouse it seems to be not enabled in your init.sqf
or properly wrong pasted/injected.
Thank you for all your help, Pain.

Some great ideas. What command line option do you use to change the IP associated? I've been leaving it all alone so it runs off my main IP and the second server runs on a higher port automatically. I'd like to resolve this.

Should be easy for me to swap my auto restart scripts over to point to seperate exe's.

Thanks again.

-ip= -port=2302

Use the following in your command line and just change the ip and/or the port.
All the people with the "house-bug" you dont put it into the foundation then? because there is 2 storages after you have built your house done, foundation is still there and you can store stuff in it and it has the same name as the house storage.

My brother have had his house for 2 weeks soon and it have never despawned any loot in it.
But then he didnt put his shit into the foundation :D becuase when he first did build it he did that and was like "wtf why did it not save???" and after that restart he found out there was 2 storages in 1 house.

So he did put 1 soda into each and looked into it after the next restart and that storage with the only soda in it was the right one.

So ye, there is 2 storages in 1 house, is this really a problem or did you just put all your stuff in the wrong storage?

When your inside the house it only offers one option for gear.
What other one are you referring to.
there are two gears.

one if you have your house locked and one if it's unlocked. the one you get while your house is locked will delete the contents inside if you unlock your house. the one you get when your house is unlocked is the real storage.

@Alex, there IS a bug with houses deleting contents, it's not a matter of people using the wrong storage. maybe you've been lucky enough to not have it happen though lol. I know how to use the storage properly and i've had my house empty out on me.

Haven't kept up with this thread in a bit and its quite big now. has anyone figured out how to stop the house from deleting the gear inside it sometimes?
Which is fine and dandy if you give the user superuser status, then run whatever you want to your hearts desire. It's just that many things will only run/execute properly as Root, such as the import of the DB and certain other proceedures. But whatever, I'm lazy.
You can give that user full access to 1 DB and not superuser access.
Pain, doesn't the bathmobile need to exist in the object_classes as well in order to be spawning in?

Thanks - I rushed it this morning before leaving and missed that.
I added it now, and I hope I have all the correct parts.
If anyone sees anything wrong, let me know and I can adjust it.
Do you have a problem. When you return to the server sees myself. I can shoot myself and copy gear from me.

DO NOT USE pMoveDead.
This compares to wipe.
Actually I don't know if there are 2 gears in a house.

When I stored my items, I was inside and I locked the house.
Placed the items in the gear and then left the house.

Restarted the server, and entered the house and locked the house.
From inside I tried to access the gear and it appeared empty.

Now I unlocked and opened the door, and then accessed the gear again, and everything appears.

I think it's more related to only being able to view your items with the house unlocked.
Do you have a problem. When you return to the server sees myself. I can shoot myself and copy gear from me.

I noticed that this happens where the body remains until your character data is saved to the database.
Once it's saved, it cleans up your character. I think something has to be adjusted to save character data immediately after quitting, instead of the usual timed character updates to the database.
I'm Feeling really dumb right now, Where are the instructions? I looked in all of the addons folders and have yet to find a txt file or something that tells you how to enable it. EDIT: Nm Wasnt in addons it was just in the the folder before everything. Thanks for your help!

this is what you do

Auto Refuelling
To enable auto refuelling:
  • Edit \MPMissions\\init.sqf
  • Look for:
    //Remove the double slashes on the line below to enable auto refuelling
    //[] execVM "Scripts\kh_actions.sqf";
  • Remove the double slashes to enable the add-on, save and restart the server. (NOTE: Folders inside the \MPMissions\ folder don't have to be packed to .pbo format)