Origins Server?

Haha thanks man, I've had alot of really good feedback and have worked off alot of good positive criticism to get this thing working well.Its basically SARGE's AI changed and optimised to work with Origins.

I will release the server files after I figure out how to tackle this 1.7.5 problem.

I'd suggest not updating to 1.7.5 in this time if you want to play on unofficial 1.7.1 servers.
Since they have also a hand on dayzcommander i would say: by by dayz mod. thats it for me. I wait for the standalone to come out.
I have to say "IF" they have removed old versions from commander, then it does stink a tad of forcing the player back to their version.. I for one will now make a point of NOT playing the GP official servers... and am happy to play the previous version rather than be told what I can or can't play! about piss off your users.../me goes to back up the old version just in case :)...see you all on the private hives guys... shout if you need the older files again...I'm sure someone will host them ....
Off to investigate if gp also run commander.. think that might have to go as well If it's run by bullies:)
It is possible he's been bullied into not having the older files on his commander as well...don't you just hate the tactics the origins guys will go to!
I added a new group to sec b in the industrial, and made it g18g.
My only problem seems to be that I don't see the kill messages when killed by them.
Any idea where and what controls the death messaging?
Good shit Dami i was going to sit down and tale a look as well. we have to stick it kinghunt for stelling ppls code and changing a line of code and saying it is ther own. keep up the hard work.
This was just posted on GTXGaming Facebook a few hours ago.

Hi thanks for your patience. We discovered that the origins ghost machine that verifys every server that goes online was not accepting enough connections. Therefore only 300 Origins servers could go online at a time. That has been corrected now so restarting your server should fix it. If you installed the "1.7.5 Files only (no database)" update you will need to install the 1.7.5 Fix as the "1.7.5 Files only (no database)" patch we created did break one of the files.

If you want to continue playing on 1.7.1 servers make sure you have backed up the old (1.7.1) Origins folder.
Keep there under a different folder name, eg @DayZOrigins171 or something to make sure your DayZ assistant (DayZ Commander etc) do not overwrite that folder.

Once you have done this...

You have an option of downloading 1.7.5 via DayZ Commander, by "repairing" Origins through the updates page.


You can turn off Auto-updating on DayZ Commander and make sure Origins on the update page says
"Corrupt", if it says Corrupt, it doesnt mean it is corrupt, it just means that DayZ Commander is looking for 1.7.5 but see's 1.7.1.. THAT IS GOOD!

This will now allow you to continue playing on 1.7.1 Servers.

Im currently working on 2 things.

1) A patch will allow you to run both 1.7.5 and 1.7.1 game clients from the same @DayZOrigins folder.

2) A method to run 1.7.5 on servers.