PiXel Dog Addin Script Error in RPT

i have followed the Tut http://opendayz.net/threads/simple-tutorial-dogs-on-taviana.11278/

i am trying this on Overpoch Napf. I´ve done all the steps, but:

1. i dont get the scroll menu.
2. an RPT Error:

Error in expression <eader getVariable "dogAction";
if (_commd == "stay") then
_dog switchmove>
Error position: <_commd == "stay") then
_dog switchmove>
Error Undefined variable in expression: _commd
File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Napf\addin\dog.sqf, line 47

On the dog house it says: Dog is not interested.
The dog is outside in front of the dog house.
I can see Dogs hear them barking, and the Houses on correct places.

Any Help available?
Or is this not working with Current Game Versions?
Arma 1.63.125548
DAYZ Epoch
Overwatch 0.2.5

Vilayer Server
i have found the problem via an SQL Editor.
Problem is on Line 26 (red marked) the blue marked String ' (Char 165) its on the wrong place. But i dont know how to put it on the right place...

//===================piXel 12-02-2013============
if (isServer) exitWith
private ["_leader","_dog","_type","_breed","_grp","_dogname","_clientID","_humans","_distance","_foo","_commd","_animals","_targetAnimal","_stopWait","_veh"];
_leader = _this select 0;
_clientID = owner _leader;

if (count dogOwner >= 10) exitWith {[nil, _leader, "loc", rTITLETEXT, "Sorry, all available dogs found a companion", "PLAIN DOWN"] call RE;};
if ({_X == _leader} count dogOwner == 1) exitWith {[nil, _leader, "loc", rTITLETEXT, "This dog is not interested", "PLAIN DOWN"] call RE;};

_type = round(random 1);
_breed = "Pastor";
switch (_type) do
case 0:
_breed = "Pastor";
case 1:
_breed = "Fin";
_grp = creategroup (side _leader);
_dogname = "K9";
call compile format ['"%2" createUnit [getposATL _leader, _grp,"%1=this; this setSpeedMode ""full""; this disableAI ""autotarget""; this setbehaviour ""aware"";",1]',_dogname,_breed];
_dog = call compile format ["%1",_dogname];
_dog setIdentity "dogs";
_nul = [objNull, _dog, rSAY, "bark"] call RE;
dogOwner = dogOwner + [_leader];

sleep 1;
_clientID publicVariableClient "dogOwner";

while {(alive _dog) && (alive _leader)} do
_humans = [];
_distance = 1000;
_humans = nearestObjects [_leader , ["CAManBase"], 40] - [_leader,_dog];
_foo = _humans select 0;
_commd = _leader getVariable "dogAction";

//debug menu
//_txt = parseText format["debugDog: %1 %2",_leader,_commd];
//[nil, _leader, "loc", rHINT, _txt, "PLAIN DOWN"] call RE;

if (_commd == "stay") then
_dog switchmove "Dog_Sit1";
_dog disableAI "move";
sleep 4;
if (_commd == "find") then
_dog enableAI "move";
_dog switchmove "";
_animals = nearestObjects [_dog, ["Hen","Cock","Cow04","Cow03","Cow02","Cow01","Goat","Sheep","WildBoar"],400];
if (count _animals != 0) then
_targetAnimal = _animals select 0;
_stopWait = (time + 60);
_dog domove (position _targetAnimal);
_dog setspeedmode "FULL";
waituntil {_dog domove (position _targetAnimal); sleep 2; (_dog distance _targetAnimal < 20) || (time > _stopWait) || (_leader getVariable "dogAction" != "find")};
_dog switchmove "Dog_Walk";
_nul = [objNull, _dog, rSAY, "bark"] call RE;
_dog switchmove "Dog_Walk";
sleep 4;
if (_commd == "follow") then
_dog enableAI "move";
_dog switchmove "";
if ((count _humans > 0) && (alive _foo)) then
_distance = _leader distance _foo;
// warning
If ((_distance > 10) && (_distance < 30)) then
_nul = [objNull, _dog, rSAY, "bark"] call RE;
_dog domove (position _foo);
_dog setspeedmode "FULL";
_nul = [objNull, _dog, rSAY, "bark"] call RE;
//initiate attack
If ((_distance < 11) && (side _foo != side _leader)) then
_nul = [objNull, _dog, rSAY, "growl"] call RE;
_dog domove (position _foo);
_dog setspeedmode "FULL";
If ((_distance < 10) && (side _foo != side _leader)) then
_dog domove (position _foo);
_dog setspeedmode "FULL";
_stopWait = (time + 4);
waitUntil {sleep 0.5; (_dog distance _foo) < 5 || time > _stopWait};
_dog domove (position _foo);
_dog setspeedmode "FULL";
if ((alive _dog) && (_foo isKindOf "zZombie_Base")) then
_dog attachTo [_foo,[0,0.8,0],"hrudnik"];
_dog setDir 180;
_foo setdamage 0.3;
sleep 1;
if ((alive _dog) && (_foo isKindOf "zZombie_Base")) then
_foo setdamage 0.3;
sleep 1;
if ((alive _dog) && (_foo isKindOf "zZombie_Base")) then
_dog setDir 160;
_foo setdamage 0.6;
sleep 1;
if ((alive _dog) && (_foo isKindOf "zZombie_Base")) then
_dog setDir 180;
_foo setdamage 0.8;
sleep 1;
if ((alive _dog) && (_foo isKindOf "zZombie_Base")) then
_dog setDir 200;
_foo setdamage 1;
detach _dog;
_dog domove (position _leader);
_dog setspeedmode "FULL";
if ((vehicle _leader != _leader) && ((vehicle _leader isKindOf "car") || (vehicle _leader isKindOf "air"))) then
_veh = vehicle _leader;
_dog domove position _veh;
_dog setspeedmode "FULL";
_stopWait = (time + 10);
waituntil {_dog domove position _veh; sleep 1; (_dog distance _veh < 5) || time > _stopWait};
_dog attachto [_veh,[0,-0.5,-1],"podlaha"];
waitUntil{sleep 2;((vehicle _leader == _leader) || (!alive _dog) || (!alive _leader))};
sleep 1;
detach _dog;
_dog setPos (getposATL _leader);
_veh = objNull;
if ((_leader distance _dog) > 1200) then
_dog setDamage 1;
if ((_leader distance _dog) < 5) then
_dog switchmove "Dog_Siting";
_dog switchmove ""; //Dog_Sprint
_dog domove position _leader;
_dog setspeedmode "full";
_foo = objNull;
sleep 3;
_dog setDamage 1;
sleep 15;
hideBody _dog;
sleep 5;
deleteVehicle _dog;
_grp = grpNull;
_stopWait = (time + 120);
waitUntil {time >= _stopWait};
dogOwner = dogOwner - [_leader];
sleep 1;
_clientID publicVariableClient "dogOwner";

Any Help ?


you can see the SQL Editor Colors changed from Black to purple when Error appears.

the complete file is here:

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