Putting markers onto my server

Tom Hart

New Member
I'm trying to set up a few restricted zones, I've found scripts what seem to do the trick, however, I can't set up the markers. I've put them on my map but I can;t get them onto my server. Is there a tut anywhere on how to do it?
Make sure the markers you are using aren't banned by DayZ... happens a lot.

Other than that, it's rather simple, just make them in the mission and merge.
Open your Arma2 OA and make sure you have DayZ enabled as a mod. Go to the 3D editor by pressing CONTROL + E and select any map.

Create a player unit, give it a map, put a whole lot of different markers on the map and check which you can see with your player unit during previews.
Well you can save the mission and merge or you can create a separate script file to spawn those in like I do, here's an example:

_M11 = createMarker ["AD1", [10447.701, 10146.485, 0]];
_M11 setMarkerText "Join our website!";
_M11 setMarkerType "Flag";
_M11 setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";
_M11 setMarkerBrush "Solid";
AD1 = _M11;

the _M11 is unimportant, you can change it to whatever as long as it has a _ in front of it. Check the position and the name of the marker ("AD1"). Then you can customize it as you wish.

This one will create a small target icon on the edge of the map (on Lingor) and put a message saying "Join our website!" on it.
Okay in the folder with my beidi file I have a sqf file (mission.sqf) which has these markers at the bottom

_this = createMarker ["Out_of_Bounds_1", [13417.87, 5933.0527, 0]];
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [3, 3];
_marker_2 = _this;
_this = createMarker ["Out_of_Bounds_2", [13422.031, 5963.7505, 0]];
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [3, 3];
_marker_3 = _this;

Do I just need to add that sqf file my mission folder, and upload the new pbo file to my server? Or do I need to link that sqf file somewhere in my mission?
No, if you add the mission.sqf as is it'll most likely break the server. I recommend to cut the code that you linked and create a new .sqf file named "Markers" or something like that, pasting this code inside. Put this file inside your dayz_mission folder (for the purpose of this example, on the root foolder).

After that, go to your init.sqf on (also ondayz_mission folder) and enter the following code on the bottom:
[] execVM "Markers.sqf";

That should make it so you can see the markers in the server.

If you wish to try out this before uploading to the actual server, just create another mission and add a custom init.sqf file with only the code I've given you here. Make sure you put your "Markers.sqf" file on the root folder of that as well. Then run the mission. If all went well, the markers should be in your map as soon as the mission starts.

NOTE: Just in case, I'd change the _this of each marker to something different... like _Marker1 for the first example and _Marker2 for the second. Just to make sure it works.
No, if you add the mission.sqf as is it'll most likely break the server. I recommend to cut the code that you linked and create a new .sqf file named "Markers" or something like that, pasting this code inside. Put this file inside your dayz_mission folder (for the purpose of this example, on the root foolder).

After that, go to your init.sqf on (also ondayz_mission folder) and enter the following code on the bottom:
[] execVM "Markers.sqf";

That should make it so you can see the markers in the server.

If you wish to try out this before uploading to the actual server, just create another mission and add a custom init.sqf file with only the code I've given you here. Make sure you put your "Markers.sqf" file on the root folder of that as well. Then run the mission. If all went well, the markers should be in your map as soon as the mission starts.

NOTE: Just in case, I'd change the _this of each marker to something different... like _Marker1 for the first example and _Marker2 for the second. Just to make sure it works.
can you help me with my markers?
Looks okay to me, I just made these changes:

_PVPZ = createMarker ["PVP", [2985,5054, 0]];  // INSERT YOUR OWN COORDINATES HERE
_PVPZ setMarkerText "PVP ZONE";
_PVPZ setMarkerType "mil_objective";            // THIS MODEL IS ALLOWED IN DAYZ SO NO PROBLEM
_PVPZ setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
_PVPZ setMarkerBrush "Solid";
PVPZ= _PVPZ;                                    // NOT ENTIRELY SURE THIS LINE IS NECESSARY, BUT WELL.
_PVP1 = createMarker ["PVP1", [1250, 5556, 0]];        // INSERT YOUR OWN COORDINATES HERE
_PVP1 setMarkerText "PVP ZONE";
_PVP1 setMarkerType "mil_objective";
_PVP1 setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
_PVP1 setMarkerBrush "Solid";
PVP1 = _PVP1;

With this code, I created a new .sqf called "markertest" and called it with an execVM on my init, they were working fine.
Looks okay to me, I just made these changes:

_PVPZ = createMarker ["PVP", [2985,5054, 0]];  // INSERT YOUR OWN COORDINATES HERE
_PVPZ setMarkerText "PVP ZONE";
_PVPZ setMarkerType "mil_objective";            // THIS MODEL IS ALLOWED IN DAYZ SO NO PROBLEM
_PVPZ setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
_PVPZ setMarkerBrush "Solid";
PVPZ= _PVPZ;                                    // NOT ENTIRELY SURE THIS LINE IS NECESSARY, BUT WELL.
_PVP1 = createMarker ["PVP1", [1250, 5556, 0]];        // INSERT YOUR OWN COORDINATES HERE
_PVP1 setMarkerText "PVP ZONE";
_PVP1 setMarkerType "mil_objective";
_PVP1 setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
_PVP1 setMarkerBrush "Solid";
PVP1 = _PVP1;

With this code, I created a new .sqf called "markertest" and called it with an execVM on my init, they were working fine.
so use those changes then it will work?
Well overall I'd suggest, as I said on the code snippet, to name each marker something different, don't go with _this, and make sure to change it accordingly through the entire marker. Other than that, it should be working with no problems. You should be able to add these through the mission.sqm as well by simply editing them in.
Well overall I'd suggest, as I said on the code snippet, to name each marker something different, don't go with _this, and make sure to change it accordingly through the entire marker. Other than that, it should be working with no problems. You should be able to add these through the mission.sqm as well by simply editing them in.
i have tried that many times but it never worked thats why i am trying this