Radio Messages no longer showing


Well-Known Member
I have not been able to see radio messages show in quite some time and I'm not sure why. I have the following set:

DZAI_radioMsgs = true;

I also am carrying a radio. Does the AI group that spawns have to have a radio to make this action happen?
Check the latest changelogs to see what's changed with the radio messages. Radio messages in general are fewer because of these new restrictions:

  • AI group must have at least 2 live units (a lone person probably wouldn't talk to themselves over the radio)
  • AI group leader must be conscious to transmit messages
  • Player with radio must be within 125m of transmitting AI group leader to receive messages.
The above applies to messages on killing AI units. The radio messages for dynamic AI pursuits should be unchanged, with the difference that every player with a radio within 50m of the targeted player (including the target) will also see the messages.
I caught those messages, but I have a few custom spawns that are between 4-7. Would debug help at all?
Are you having problems with radio messages from custom AI? The radio messages from AI kills work the same no matter what AI type (static, dynamic, custom).
That's very strange, I had already tested the radio messaging without problems. The only difference was that I tested it without the radio item requirement but that wouldn't change anything. When I have time later this week I'll test it again.
I appreciate the time. Was curious if I was missing some kind of setting or something. I don't remember ever having to configure it. I have had the same radio since i believe? I havent seen it drop since then.
I just tested the radio messages now for both AI-killing and dynamic AI pursuit and it's working without any changes. The only difficult part was finding an AI group with at least 3 units, but I couldn't find anything out of the ordinary except for one buggy line of dialogue.
can confirm radio messages working! have some custom ai units and get radio messages!

one remark though: the messages are displayed for a fairly short period of time. might be a good idea to spawn the display of the messages and run it in a loop for a few times. most of the time, in the heat of the fight, im not able to even read it - just able to realize there are some ...
Unfortunately I have no control over the length of time messages are displayed, at least not using the remote execution method. I will investigate the loop idea.

I did find a goof-up I made with the dynamic AI pursuit radio messages, where the script is using the AI group leader's position to transmit messages instead of the target player's position. So unless you're within 50m of the AI group leader, you won't know you're being pursued by dynamic AI.
Damn if im within 50m of an AI, im pretty sure I know im close ha!

I don't even have them working with a stock dzai either. I wonder if theres another piece im missing.
Update: I was just checking my rpt file and i am seeing pursuit messages, but just not in game. I have enabled sentences and radio. Will continue to monitor. Have not yet updated to 1.9.3
Try the new client side add on when you upgrade to 1.9.3. It includes an alternative method of transmitting radio messages.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
There should be no difference in performance. The benefit of the client addon is that the messages will be clearly displayed (they sometimes disappear quickly disappear using the server side method).

The only downside of the client add on is the extra effort of installing it.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Updated to 1.9.3 and did the clientside patch and radios are fully functional again. Thanks for your efforts :)