Reduce zombie agro and spawn rate.

I've looked EVERYWHERE for this and would literally cry if someone was able to help me. xP I realize a lot of the zombie characteristics lie in the dayz_code.pbo file, but to my understanding, I would need to distribute that file to every player in order for it to apply.
If anyone knows of any ways to do this and could walk me through it, I would be so grateful.
Take a look at my prerelease. I do the opposite of what you want, along with a lot of other changes, but the concept is the same. Override the files in the mission, make your changes in copies of the files in a fixes folder in your mission pbo and in the init.sqf override the calls (what you want is in player_spawnCheck, zombie_generate, building_spawnZombies for the spawn system, and player_zombiecheck for the aggro).
Take a look at my prerelease. I do the opposite of what you want, along with a lot of other changes, but the concept is the same. Override the files in the mission, make your changes in copies of the files in a fixes folder in your mission pbo and in the init.sqf override the calls (what you want is in player_spawnCheck, zombie_generate, building_spawnZombies for the spawn system, and player_zombiecheck for the aggro).
The link on your signature is bad. :c
Works for me. Here ya go anyways:
github (its out of date, new version coming, and the system is built for 1.7.6 not 1.7.7)
I'm just not understanding this. Not sure if it makes a difference but my server is running lingor, nor chern. I can't seem to find layer_spawnCheck, zombie_generate, building_spawnZombies, or player_zombiecheck.
I apologize for my ignorance. Only been messing with scripts for roughly a week now.
What you're trying to do might be a bit too indepth for you at this point - but the code you need should be in dayz_code.pbo/compile I believe. Anyways, de-pbo all the dayz stuff and have a look through and get yourself comfortable with the set up. Copy the files responsible for the things you want to change to a folder in your mission pbo, and call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers on them. It'll take some work, but I'm sure you can get it to do what you need.

Sorry I don't really have time to walk you through this right now, good luck.
would definitely be interested in a bit of a tutorial on how exactly to edit these files because I don't understand the code.
zombie spawnrate or aggro? I got a basic idea on both, but would have to look when I' m at home (work now).

Spawnrate could be changed with the variable and/or in the custom loot files.
well both I suppose. I lowered the total amount but they still spawn crazy fast and agro from so far away.
In "player_zombiecheck.sqf"

        //Noise Activation
        if (!(_refObj in _targets)) then {
            if (_dist < (DAYZ_disAudial * 2)) then {
                if ((DAYZ_disAudial * 2) > 80) then {                      //this line 
                    if (!(_refObj in _targets)) then {
                        _targets set [count _targets, driver _refObj];
                        _group setVariable ["targets",_targets,true];
                } else {
                    if (_dist < (DAYZ_disAudial * 4)) then {
                        if (!(_refObj in _targets)) then {
                            _targets set [count _targets, driver _refObj];
                            _group setVariable ["targets",_targets,true];
        //Sight Activation
        if (!(_refObj in _targets)) then {
            if (_dist < (DAYZ_disVisual * 2)) then {                              //this line
                //_chance = [_x,_dist,DAYZ_disVisual] call dayz_losChance;
                //diag_log ("Visual Detection: m" + str([_x,_dist]) + " " + str(_chance));
                //if ((random 1) < _chance) then {
                    //diag_log ("Chance Detection");
                    _tPos = (getPosASL _refObj);
                    _zPos = (getPosASL _x);
                    //_eyeDir = _x call dayz_eyeDir;
                    _eyeDir = direction _x;
                    _inAngle = [_zPos,_eyeDir,30,_tPos] call fnc_inAngleSector;
                    if (_inAngle) then {
                        //LOS check
                        _cantSee = [_x,_refObj] call dayz_losCheck;
                        //diag_log ("LOS Check: " + str(_cantSee));
                        if (!_cantSee) then {
                            //diag_log ("Within LOS! Target");
                            if (!(_refObj in _targets)) then {
                                _targets set [count _targets, driver _refObj];
                                _group setVariable ["targets",_targets,true];
    //diag_log ("Targets Array: " +str(_targets));

edit the numbers where I added "//this line", I think those are related to the distance for agro
after that, call them from a custom compiles.sqf yadayadaydada
yea I saw those lines but honestly maybe its cause I was half asleep I couldn't figure out what to change to make them agro less. like would I change
            if (_dist < (DAYZ_disAudial * 2)) then {
                if ((DAYZ_disAudial * 2) > 80) then {

to something like

            if (_dist < (DAYZ_disAudial / 2)) then {
                if ((DAYZ_disAudial / 2) > 80) then {

orrrrrr???? Im slowly grasping this stuff but not quite there yet sorry
I'd increase the 80 to 160 to test and leave everything else like it is, cause the way I read it (and correct me if I'm wrong here) the ago is pulled if the sound *2 is exceeding 80, so upping that to 160 would pull less ago (double the sound needed)
how could I put that in areas not listed coordinates determined areas? as for example in the sector b
Im not sure I understand your question, but this is a snippet of code found in your dayz_code. This is not a custom script someone on created. You would probably have to code your own script somehow.