[Release] Safezones

Hey, thats a good idea but unfortunately today I haven't got time anymore. Maybe we can reschedule ;)

I see what you wanna tell me. So I created now 3 sqfs for every safezone edited the name and execute them from init.sqf

execVM "portzombieseast.sqf"

execVM "portzombiessouth.sqf"

execVM "portzombieswest.sqf"

Will give it a try later. Thank you!
so it should work. ;)
An other Problem is that the Basisshield only works for players not for Cars so if a player comes into the zone with a hummv m2 or so then he can kill a player but he get killed too but when he let a car explode he can kill players i am working on a solution for that. ;)
Yes also you can just overrun them with vehicles. Because of that I surrended the trader cities with hedgehogs and made it only accessable from one side and there lots of bargates which can be closed. So nobody can rush in with a vehicle - they have to get in slowly.

Also you can throw with vehicles at people in the safezone if you have enabled a lift script. ;)

Maybe we can cut some code from here to prevent this http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8351
I just put in the bottom of the init.sqf the following to execute the scripts for each Safezone as I got 3

execVM "portzombieseast.sqf"
execVM "portzombiessouth.sqf"
execVM "portzombieswest.sqf"

In every sqf its your code with the right name for the safezone

while {zombieshield} do {
sleep 10;
_pos = getPos Basis_East;
_zombies = _pos nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",70];
_count = count _zombies;
for "_i" from 0 to (_count -1) do
_zombie = _zombies select _i;
_zombie setpos [-3367.739,-120.84577,-8247.0625];

Its nearly the same then putting your code in the init.sqf, but I want to keep the init.sqf more clean so I decided to outsource the script :)

Do you know wether it is possible to let a trigger only be executed once? I think if we could manage that the while loop only starts if someone is in the safezone (but not 6 times if there are 6 people in the safezone) we could increase performance.
that is not needed. ;) But you should execute it server side. ;)

if (isServer) then {

execVM "portzombieseast.sqf"

execVM "portzombiessouth.sqf"

execVM "portzombieswest.sqf"


so you execute it only by the server!
So, with your setup every player execute it with that setup:

if (isServer) then {

there should be no performance issue. ;)
Sure if its okay for you, I will update the opening post and add this to it.

Surely I will credit you ;)
that is not needed. ;) But you should execute it server side. ;)

if (isServer) then {

execVM "portzombieseast.sqf"

execVM "portzombiessouth.sqf"

execVM "portzombieswest.sqf"


so you execute it only by the server!
So, with your setup every player execute it with that setup:

if (isServer) then {

there should be no performance issue. ;)
Unfortunately if I paste that in instead of only execVM it doesn't execute the script. The zombies are walking at the position and never get ported.

Do you know why this could be or have an example init.sqf of yourself?
Could it be possible that there is no way to use the if (isServer) function cause the server don't detect zombies?

Cause the script works always fine except with if(isServer) it does not work
if (isServer) then {
execVM "scripts\zombie_teleport.sqf";
//===================piXel 15-02-2013===========
dogOwner = [];
_serverMonitor =[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\server_monitor.sqf";