[Release] Safezones


do you use Reality with zombies ziel los 2k or how that is named ?

I use Epoch Mod Server Files which I would bet on are based on Lite Files. However I managed to get it work with felixberndt help to execute it only serverside with a not common solution.

Maybe I can figure out of this another solution will try this later and if it works I will rearrange the starting post :)

Zombies in the safe area, and you can not kill

Reread the starting post and the whole thread.....
anyone come up with some different effect when entering the zones? I've been trying to think of something that could be done to them other than just killing/teleporting/removing gear. any ideas?
I really don't know what I'm doing wrong here, I'm on a dayz.st server but run other scripts with no problems.

Basically what I'm doing is the following;

in the 3d editor im setting a trigger set like below;
_this = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [1834.3479, 615.53284]];
_this setTriggerArea [300, 300, 0, false];
_this setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", true];
_this setTriggerStatements ["this", "this execVM ""scripts\zombieshield.sqf"";", ""];
zpmbieshield = _this;
_this setSoundEffect ["$NONE$", "", "", "CA_Expl1"];
_this setTitleEffect ["TEXT", "PLAIN", "zombie free zone"];
_trigger_1 = _this;

and using this as my script;
sleep 10;
_zombies = _Basis nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",300];
_count = count _zombies;

for "_i" from 0 to (_count -1) do
_zombie = _zombies select _i;
_zombie setpos [931.90881, 0, 9246.5781];

and running my trigger in the init file so [] execVM "mission.sqf"; I know this works because the trigger is activated and zombie free zone appears on screen, but still getting zombies aahh.

If you could point me in the right direction I'll be in your dept forever:) by the way this is for Lingor.

Cheers Thebes
Did you guys ever add anymore onto this to stop vehicle weapons working? Also, crossbows work to though it does kill the player that uses them.

Seems the porting zombies doesnt work everytime aswell.

Nice script though, stopped alot of headaches on my Epoch server!
I just put in the bottom of the init.sqf the following to execute the scripts for each Safezone as I got 3

execVM "portzombieseast.sqf"
execVM "portzombiessouth.sqf"
execVM "portzombieswest.sqf"

In every sqf its your code with the right name for the safezone

while {zombieshield} do {
sleep 10;
_pos = getPos Basis_East;
_zombies = _pos nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",70];
_count = count _zombies;
for "_i" from 0 to (_count -1) do
_zombie = _zombies select _i;
_zombie setpos [-3367.739,-120.84577,-8247.0625];

Its nearly the same then putting your code in the init.sqf, but I want to keep the init.sqf more clean so I decided to outsource the script :)

Do you know wether it is possible to let a trigger only be executed once? I think if we could manage that the while loop only starts if someone is in the safezone (but not 6 times if there are 6 people in the safezone) we could increase performance.
can you help me with this please?
I made some examples for you how the coordiante thing works, hope it helps.

This picture matches position[]={11463.747,317.3078,11349.89};


This picture matches position[]={4053.8501,364.76645,11668.645};


This picture matches position[]={6344.8081,304.99023,7806.7598};


Also you can simply open the Arma2 Editor Chernarus Map and then add a Unit or a marker save it and open the file and search for it via an Editor like Notepad++ ;)

Hope that helps!

Hey Kikyou2,

I recently started an epoch mod server and need some help getting safe zones working, and possibly other things. Can you email me or message me on here with how much you charge for this sort of help, I have paypal, google payments, and amazon payments.

So, I'm on Dayz.st and having a bit of trouble getting this to work right. They have a modified version of this script listed on their Wiki and I'm trying to use it. As best I can tell I've done it right, but it hangs on "Wait for Host" unless I remove it from the mission.pbo.

Here's my sensors from mission.sqm, I had to add them since I didn't already have the class and I added them right before markers, then adjusted the spacing etc.:

class Sensors
        class Item0
            position[]={3434.2053, 14215.981, 0};
            expCond="(vehicle player) in thislist;";
            expActiv="dome = [] execVM ""dome.sqf"";";
            expDesactiv="terminate dome; titleText [""Dome exit message."", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 3];";
            class Effects

And dome.sqf located in the root folder of the mission.pbo:

// Dome
if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["126918534","124437126","124855430","122356422","37919942"]) exitWith {
titleText ["Welcome to your dome", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
// Everyone Else
titleText ["This dome is protected you must leave now or die.", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
sleep 5;
titleText ["If you do not turn back you will be killed", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
sleep 5;
titleText ["You in less than 10 seconds!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
sleep 5;
titleText ["You must leave now!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
sleep 5;
titleText ["you were warned!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
sleep 3;
player setDamage 1;

Any idea what's causing it to hang?
Hey Kikyou2,

I recently started an epoch mod server and need some help getting safe zones working, and possibly other things. Can you email me or message me on here with how much you charge for this sort of help, I have paypal, google payments, and amazon payments.


I send you a private message

Any idea what's causing it to hang?

Put the sensor part after the marker and it should work.

If you can't find the right place open the mission.sqm with the editor and place a trigger with the editor. Then reopen the mission.sqm with editor and look for the sensor part ;)
It would be awesome to know if you know how to give the player in the shield a godmode. But remove the godmode when they left it.
Our code looks like this:
if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["XXXXXXX"]) then {
titleText ["You are entering a restricted zone....identity confirmed. Welcome back.", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
} else {
titleText ["You are entering a restricted zone, please turn back now or face certain death...", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
sleep 5;
titleText ["You have less than 5 seconds to leave (you're about to die!)...", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
sleep 5;
titleText ["You were warned..!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
sleep 1;
player setDamage 1;

XXXXXXX is the UID of the player. The script works sofar but we want to keep the ppl inside a base protected from outside.
Hi all,

OK I have got this to work so far as the player not being able to shoot and the message to show in the group chat, so I know the trigger is working. However I cannot for the life of me get the zombies to go away. also am working out how to add a humanity check so only a player of hero status and above can enter the area otherwise are warned and moved outside of the area if they don't leave.

Here is what I have in my safezone.sqf:

//Base protection for Players with Eventhandler
//requires Trigger with activation BLUEFOR and OPFOR with name Basis_West and Basis_East
// you can't fire out of your own Base
//Those who hit or kill Enemy in it's Base, will be killed
// Parameters: [name of the side trigger for the Base Area]
//if (playerSide == WEST) then {[Basis_West] execVM "commsafezone.sqf"};
//if (playerSide == EAST) then {[Basis_East] execVM "commsafezone.sqf"};
Private ["_Basis","_EH_Fired","_EH_Hit","_EH_Killed"];
_Basis = _this select 0; //Basisname
while {true} do
    //wait until Player is in base, then start Eventhandler
    waitUntil {vehicle player in list _Basis};
    player groupchat "No Bullet Damage | No Zombie's";
    _EH_Fired  = vehicle player addEventHandler ["Fired", { NearestObject [_this select 0,_this select 4] setPos[0,0,0]}];
    _EH_Hit    = vehicle player addEventHandler ["Hit",  {_this select 1 setdammage 1; player setDammage 0; vehicle player setDammage 0}];
    _EH_Killed = vehicle player addEventHandler ["Killed",{_this select 1 setdammage 1}];
sleep 10;
_zombies = _Basis nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",400];
_count = count _zombies;
for "_i" from 0 to (_count -1) do
_zombie = _zombies select _i;
deletevehicle _zombie;
RandomHeadshots=round(random 4);
if (!alive _zombie) then {
zombiekills = player getVariable["zombieKills",0];
If (RandomHeadshots==1) then {
_headShots = player getVariable["headShots",0];
player setVariable["headShots",_headShots+1,true]
    //wait until Player left base, then delete EventHandler
    waitUntil {! (vehicle player in list _Basis)};
    player groupchat "Bullet Damage Enabled | Zombies Enabled";
    player removeEventHandler ["Fired", _EH_Fired];
    player removeEventHandler ["Hit",  _EH_Hit];
    player removeEventHandler ["Killed",_EH_Killed];

Any help with the zombie and or humanity request would be appreciated, this is on my test server so stop / starting is not an issue if someone wants to refine the code / make edits / expand etc

I will release in some days/weeks (depends on how fast I'm ready with everything else), my new version of the safezone script.

Will be much better, no problems with zeds etc
cool, if you want a test server you can use mine. I have a few other scripts running on it at the moment as am trying to create a different kind of dayz server :)

I.P of test server:

If you look at the map markers that is where I need to scripts to work.

i'm having 2 issues. 1 my server's safe zone doesn't disengage unless you have the permited uid. so if someone who isn't allowed in the zone enters even slightly they get "stuck in it" and could get 100000km away and will still die after the warnings end... 2nd issue people int eh safe zone when their shot they get kicked for setDamage restriction #0 and i don't have a 5 setDamage or 5 setDammage in my scripts.txt
So does the 3 files executing server side work correctly, is that the final solution for the Dayz Epoch servers?
i got that but i don't have time to wait for a repost with fixes. i fixed my code fine but i need a battleeye kick fix. People are getting kicked and soon possibly battleeye banned for "hacking" because i don;t know what to do with my scripts.txt to exempt my code. like i said they are getting kicked for battleeye restriction setDamage #0. and there is no 5 setDamage or 5 setDammage anywhere in my scripts.txt
