Reloading Mission Files


OpenDayZ Rockstar!
During testing of new scripts in MPMissions I am restarting a local dedicated server to reload the mission files every time, then rejoining the game.

Obviously this gets a bit tedious when I am just trying to work out some new syntax and getting it wrong several times.

Was just wondering if there are any quick ways of doing this and interested in how other people test their scripts..
oh i'm an idiot. thought you were editing battleye scripts. yea i dunno another way except for the way your doing it currently.
After I make a change in my scripts that go in the MPMissions directory they can't be saved as the server locks them. So, I shut the server down, save the files, fire the server up again then rejoin.

That's not so bad except since 1.7.5 the client hangs when clicking back to the Multiplayer menu. So, now I have to restart the client as well. All to check some syntax or a small change in code.

Debugging code is a nightmare this way :)