Remove junk from roads DayZ


New Member

I work on the DayZ "vanilla" mod and i found a way to remove all the junk on the roads and i will share it ;)

First step create a folder in your mission file and call it "custom"

Copy the file "player_monitor.fsm" in the "custom" folder
You can find the file here; dayz_code\system

In "init.sgf" find this line :

"execFSM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.fsm";"

Change it to:

"execFSM "custom\player_monitor.fsm";"

In "description.ext"

Add this on the top of the file:

#include "custom\CfgTownGeneratorChernarus.hpp"

Create a file and call it:


Put this in the file:

class CfgTownGeneratorChernarus {
//Thanks for all the fucking trash!!

and save it in the the folder "custom"

Open "player_monitor.fsm" and find this line:

"if (_isHiveOk) then { if (!_schedulerStarted) then { _schedulerStarted=true; execVM '\z\addons\dayz_code\system\scheduler\sched_init.sqf'; }; };" \n

Change it to:

"if (_isHiveOk) then { if (!_schedulerStarted) then { _schedulerStarted=true; execVM 'custom\sched_init.sqf'; }; };" \n

Copy the file "sched_init.sqf" in the "custom" folder
You can find the file here; dayz_code\system\scheduler

Open "sched_init.sqf" and find this line:

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (_base+"sched_towngenerator.sqf");

Change it to:

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\sched_towngenerator.sqf";

copy "sched_towngenerator.sqf" in the "custom" folder
You can find the file here; dayz_code\system\scheduler

Open "sched_towngenerator.sqf" and find this line:

#include "scheduler.hpp"

Change it to;

#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\scheduler\scheduler.hpp"

Then find this line:

_townarray = configFile >> "CfgTownGeneratorChernarus";

Change it to:

_townarray = missionConfigFile >> "CfgTownGeneratorChernarus";

Thats it, have fun with no junk on roads ;)

Here's an easier way if I remember correctly:

Open your init.sqf

Under progressLoadingScreen 1.0;


stream_locationCheck = {};

i don´t can find this progressLoadingScreen 1.0;

in init.sqf is this progressLoadingScreen 0.30;

i try this methode but this is broke with one of the latest patch
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Here's an easier way if I remember correctly:

Open your init.sqf

Under progressLoadingScreen 1.0;


stream_locationCheck = {};

Unfortunately ... they completely remodeled the debris in the new version, that no longer works.

My solution that I posted recently was the same as Hansi did except I did not copy the cfgtowngenerator file. I set _townarray = [];
Still have to move all the rest of the files though.
Although in my current server I am fooling with, I am adding 'some' wrecks back in on the sides of the roads. Will post that code when finished.