Server gived "admin" grey screen?


New Member
Hey forum,

So me and my friend bought the infistar antihack.
My friend left me with the awesome task to put this mod on the server with my lack of scripting skills *cough none*
I went trough the steps besides 1 wich i could not find (wich i think causes the problem)
This is the step:

"Epoch 103 now has this line in the mpmission init.sqf aswell:
which is this:
[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";
remove this line completely or you can not teleport"

I do NOT have this map on my computer! not in my mission pbo file, and not in my server pbo file.

What happends is, i log into my server.
Everything goes fine untill my character needs to get loaded and the screen just turns and stays grey ( wich i googled, has something to do with trolling the hacker using scripts)

Im really frustrated at this point. because the discription is too poor for someone with my experience in this kind of things, wich makes me wonder or i should have even started the server ;)
BUT HEY! im hanging on!

hope you guys can help me out,

Thats the point, the directory given does not match mine.
I deleted the one in the init file. but this one is appearantly in the MPmission INIT. is that exactly the same????

But the grey screen is gone! appearantly i banned myself in that script :) (DOOOOH)
But now the problem is, we cant teleport. so we need to fix it.

This sentence: "[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";"
is nowhere to be found in the normal Missionfile init.

Also we did not find "dayz_antihack = 0; // DayZ Antihack / 1 = enabled // 0 = disabled" in the PBO

So basicly the only problem left is, we cant teleport :)

Thanks for respond