Show only blue indicator on map?


Well-Known Member
I know this is possible because i've seen it on a few servers, but i can't find the info anywhere.

On the map i want it to show only the blue indicator which represents the person lookin at the map, and no one else (no yellow, orange, etc).

How did they go about achieving this? The only options i can get is show all, or nothing.

Does anyone know? I searched all over but must not be using the right query.

The only thing I can think of is essentially ESP but only for yourself otherwise showing everything is all you can do.

Maybe something like this? You should be able to put it in an sqf and call it from the init.sqf
It uses createMarkerLocal so only the user can see it.
_null = player spawn {
    waitUntil {isPlayer _this};
    _mName = format["player_%1_marker",_this];
    _marker = createMarkerLocal [_mName,[0,0]];
    _marker setMarkerShape "ICON";
    _marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
    _marker setMarkerType "DOT";
    while {alive _this} do {
        _marker setMarkerPos (getPos _this);
        sleep 1;
    deleteMarker _marker;
I am also looking to get this working to show the players current location on the map but unfortunately support seems to be non-existent.
I am also looking to get this working to show the players current location on the map but unfortunately support seems to be non-existent.

funny. the admin/owner was on here complaining that DayZ Standalone not having private hives is going to hurt his business.
No, having no support is going to hurt your business.
Still no answer to this day from I cancelled my server and went with VDS. :)
Same here, still no answer.

VDS means you set it up and install all the files you need for whatever game youself, right?
Yes, It is a fresh Virtual Dedicated Server with nothing on it. You have to setup everything from scratch. Including mysql, game files, etc.