So... with the update... whats gonna break?

Jack Marslow

Well-Known Member
What actually happens when DayZ updates? Am I going to have to readd every addon ive done? Or try to merge the updated code with my old code? How much of my life can expect to lose?
I've always found that my mods, after update, seem to work better - until i find something that is so severely broken that it takes some major work to get them to function agian.
I dont forsee much trouble with it, I'm just trying to figure out how its all going to go. I could probably add these mods in my sleep by now.
Winmerge ... comparing directories and files, marking of differences, even checking if the codeblock was just moved to another position in a file. Highly recommended.
diffmerge. The best. compare folders, compare files. 3 way too.

pretty much the industry standard on windows.