Something went wrong.....


That's as far as we get in loading into the server with SAR_AI loaded. Player finds himself in the debug zone :(

The server report log seems fine until just before UPSMON is called, when several "Wrong text element 'null' : reports come in, followed by SAR_AI as shown in the snippet..
15:18:27 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\init\publicEH_server.sqf not found
15:18:27 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf not found
15:18:27 "--------------------------------"
15:18:27 "UPSMON started"
15:18:27 Wrong text element 'null'
15:18:27 Wrong text element 'null'
15:18:27 Wrong text element 'null'
15:18:27 Wrong text element 'null'
15:18:27 "----------------------------------------"
15:18:27 "Starting SAR_AI version 1.1.0"
15:18:27 "----------------------------------------"
15:18:27 "SAR_AI: Area & Trigger definition Started"
15:18:27 "Setting up SAR_AI for : lingor"
15:18:28 "SAR_AI: Area & Trigger definition finalized"
15:18:28 "SAR_AI: Static Spawning for Helicopter patrols started"
15:18:29 "SAR_AI: Static Spawning for Helicopter patrols finished"
15:18:29 "SAR_AI: Static Spawning for infantry patrols finished"
15:18:29 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf not found
15:18:57 Wrong text element 'null'
15:18:57 Wrong text element 'null'
15:18:57 Wrong text element 'null'
15:18:57 Wrong text element 'null'
15:18:58 Wrong text element 'null'
15:18:58 Wrong text element 'null'

The Wrong text element lines continue until the player is informed something went wrong.

The script log consists of many iterations of the following...

if(fuel _vehicle < 0.2) then {
_vehicle setFuel 1;
15.06.2013 15:19:04: Darce (IP_Address removed) GUID - #7 " then {
_ai removeMagazines (_magazintypes select 0);
_ai addMagazine (_magazintypes select 0);
if (SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG) then {dia"
15.06.2013 15:19:04: Darce (IP_Address removed) GUID - #117 "ctrange","_veh_weapons","_vehicle","_weapons","_tracewhat","_reloadmag","_magazintypes"];
_ai = _this select 0;
_tracewhat = "C"
15.06.2013 15:19:04: Darce (IP_Address removed) GUID - #122 "s;
if ((_ai ammo _x == 0) || (_reloadmag))  then {
_ai removeMagazines (_magazintypes select 0);
_ai addMagazine (_magazintypes"
15.06.2013 15:19:04: Darce (IP_Address removed) GUID - #138 "le new ammo";};

Server hosted at running 1.7.5 & SAR_AI V1.1.0
Other mods: Custom load screen, debug monitor (works fine with these)

Closest answer I've come to so far referenced empty commas, which I don't seem to have. I've checked and rechecked the init, desc & server cleanup files using examples for comparison. Problem occurs with or without BE enabled.

What am I doing wrong? Any clue as to where I should be looking or what to fix?
try to disable SAR AI first to see if its really causing the issue. From what i see in your rpt, your server.pbo seems buggy.

try to get your server without SAR AI stable, then use the latest version, 1.1.0 is outdated.

cheers, Sarge
Thanks Sarge,
You say SAR_AI 1.1.0 is NOT the latest version, or was that a typo and I should grab DayZ 1.7.7 for server? I haven't found any links to a later version of your scripts anywhere.

The PBO is a recompile of a working version modified by following your instructions (as far as as I can tell). I see now that the null txt elements occur with and without your inclusions. I'll try with default PBOs and compare. What does grab me is the failure to call the three inbuilt sqfs before the objects begin streaming in. I s that your reason for suggesting a buggy server PBO?
You know that bit where it says, "Read all the notes"?

I missed the bit where it says I have to re-open the PBO and add the path prefix.

Thanks for what's looking to be the source of many, many, deaths from NPCs :)