spawning zombies


Well-Known Member
Whats the best way to spawn zombies at a set location?

Im running a epoch server and working on some custom map edits and want a lot of zombies to spawn quite oftern. I have tried the mass grave but the flys are annoying amd also it lags out a bit when i add a few of them.

Is there any script that i could use to set X number of zombies to spawn at Y location every Z seconds?

If not what buildinh could i lower into the ground fully and get zombies to spawn loads.

Normally i hate ebay... but i love you man!

thanks for this, have been looking for ages for an answer to it.

One question, is that every type of zombie that you have listed or is there others? i dont know there class names
Have tried this but just cant get it to work :(

this is what i have in my files

_zombletypes = [
_zomblesposition =    [13616.088,5.3405762e-005,3153.3975];
_i = 1;
    for "_i" from 1 to 30 do
        _genzombles = _zombletypes call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
        _agent = createAgent [_genzombles, _zomblesposition, [], 10, "NONE"];
        _zombleselectedpos = getPosATL _agent;
        [_zombleselectedpos,_agent] execFSM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\zombie_agent.fsm";

class Item13
            expCond="(vehicle player) in thislist;";
            expActiv="zomblespawnt = [] execVM ""scripts\spawn_zombies.sqf"";";
            expDesactiv="terminate zomblespawnt;";
            class Effects

I know the coordinates are correct as have checked them by moving my self there in the database. I just cant get the zombies to spawn :(

Not sure if name="ZombleSpawnTrigger"; needs to be the same name as expActiv="zomblespawnt and expDesactiv="terminate zomblespawnt; ?

Also is it supposed to be zombles and not zombies?
Thanks :) this is just what i was looking for and will make my add on im making perfect.

Im guessing not, but is there anything like this that would work for ai? Just a simple ai that shoots at anything other then zombies. Im currently using static spawns from sarge ai
Hey, this is interesting stuff!
I have been looking for someone who could show everyone how you could spawn AI at the random heli crashsites. I already have the Sarge AI installed, so I imagine there's a relatively simple way to add this function?