I have been really busy lately but try this, keep the toggle.sqf and change this in it

dayz_spaceInterrupt = {my code};


dayz_spaceInterrupt = dayz_spaceInterrupt + {my code};
Mine toggle doesn't work but I can build now this is what it looks like.
while {sporktoggle} do
dayz_spaceInterrupt = dayz_spaceInterrupt + {
    private ["_dikCode", "_handled"];
    _dikCode =    _this select 1;
    _handled = false;
    _uid = getPlayerUID player;
    if (_dikCode == 0x3F) then {
    call change_debug;
    if (_dikCode == 0x9D) then {
    [1] call sporkhints;
if (_dikCode == 0x40) then
_isadmin = player getVariable["admin",0];
if (_isadmin == 1) then
execvm "@DayZofDuty\DOD\message.sqf";
Change it to

_allchecked = "";
while {sporktoggle} do
If (_allchecked != dayz_spaceInterrupt) then
dayz_spaceInterrupt = dayz_spaceInterrupt + {
private ["_dikCode", "_handled"];
_dikCode = _this select 1;
_handled = false;
_uid = getPlayerUID player;
if (_dikCode == 0x3F) then {
call change_debug;

if (_dikCode == 0x9D) then {
[1] call sporkhints;

if (_dikCode == 0x40) then
_isadmin = player getVariable["admin",0];

if (_isadmin == 1) then
execvm "@DayZofDuty\DOD\message.sqf";


_allchecked = dayz_spaceInterrupt;
the done asian but y0u got to accept that request I sent you because I will not post link here until they are tested.
What fix you talking about? Like scroll options because there has been many fixes already explained. If none of this worked for you I can.
Sorry to say but the above fixes dont make epoch work with both base building and F5 toggle. Didnt really bother me but a lot of my players get annoyed by it.
Survival Servers witch is me hopes to release update this weekend but not guaranteed although we would appreciate it if you checked our site out even for a quick peek at most register @ here. After this release witch will be 2.5 there will most likely be no more releases and we will wait until standalone unless told otherwise or update is 100% needed because of error on my side. Thank you all for supporting this mod and i will still be here for any support questions you may have and don't be afraid to ask.