Yeah this Mod is majorly breaking Epoch as it stands. Confirmed that when you try to do base building and have a wall or a floor or any other modular piece you cant use "space bar" to place the item and you cant use "page down" and "page up" to reposition the item you are trying to build. If you could implement a fix at your earliest convenient please Spork.


You can either combine my key binds with theirs or disable mine but up to you

Can you tell me how can i do this. I have the same problem with spacebar or page up and page down. The keys does not work to build things btw to putt on the ground. I love your debug monitor. Thats great stuff.
Ok i fix this bug with restart, there is 2 var TimeToRestart and TimeRestart (that not defined but many other var's use it), just need to replace all TimeRestart to TimeToRestart
I fixed the toggle thing had to redo somethings but when a player dies instantly the player's money and level don't change to 0
I changed the debug to this

if (r_player_blood <= 0) then
sleep 2;
mymoneyz = 0;
Currentlevel = 0;
currentMoney = 0;
profileNamespace setVariable ["money",myMoneyZ]; saveProfileNamespace;
profileNamespace setVariable ["level", Currentlevel]; saveProfileNamespace;
profileNamespace setVariable ["rewardScore",currentMoney]; saveProfileNamespace;
for "_i" from 0 to 40 do {deletevehicle _spawnAIS;};
//endmission "LOSER";

Hi Asiankid, could you please share your code you changed to get epoch basebuilding working again, it would help about half of the dayz population out there.

Thanks mate
no everything is fine, for me its working perfect with 1.8!

I just want to know if there is a way to reset the lvl of the players on death?

EDIT: I've figured out on my own :)

Hey mate do you mind telling me how you figured out how to reset lvl on players death please?

Also is there a way to loose all (or some) cash you are holding on you (not banked money) when you die?

Edit: One last thing, this mod made me have to remove my debug monitor which displayed bandit Kills, murders, headshots, humanity, zombie kills, is there any way I can add these to the new debug monitors? I can only get the first 2 monitors to work, it seems there is a third one but it doesn't appear for me.
I need help white listing it on my server.
My anti hack doesn't use this "fasfoaf" to while list
Its like this 'fasf'
I did it
add this to the ALLOWED CMDMenus
Is there any way to grab vars (like lvl_var and money_var) from other players? I want to improve cpcnametags and display not only name of player, but lvl and moneys also. I try this
            _tag = name cursorTarget;
            _cursorcp = CursorTarget;
            _chklvlc = _cursorcp getVariable [lvl_var,0];
            cutText [format["%1 (%2 lvl)", _tag, _chklvlc],"PLAIN",0.1];
but this display only name and zero level at any time. If someone could help me with this it would be awesome!
Is there any way to grab vars (like lvl_var and money_var) from other players? I want to improve cpcnametags and display not only name of player, but lvl and moneys also. I try this
            _tag = name cursorTarget;
            _cursorcp = CursorTarget;
            _chklvlc = _cursorcp getVariable [lvl_var,0];
            cutText [format["%1 (%2 lvl)", _tag, _chklvlc],"PLAIN",0.1];
but this display only name and zero level at any time. If someone could help me with this it would be awesome!

You are lookin for this and you can grab them with this

_chklvlc = _cursorcp getVariable ["clevel",0];
_chkmoneyc = _cursorcp getVariable ["allmoney",0];
OK need some help here: Using Chernarus and i have two little problems: Cant get access to the DayZ-Journal (Yes already set the Key in Custom-Controls) and my tents wont rotate on Q and E. I think it has something to do with the Debug-Monitor but i really cant say. Anybody can help?