[Tutorial] Custom Loot Tables and Adjusting Spawn Rates

Can someone tell me how to fix this error:
20:49:45 "CRASHSPAWNER: Starting spawn logic for Crash Spawner"
20:49:45 Error in expression <eep (_frequency / 4);

if (random 1 <= _spawnChance) then {
_debugarea = get>
20:49:45 Error position: <<= _spawnChance) then {
_debugarea = get>
20:49:45 Error <=: Type String, expected Number
20:49:45 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnCrashSite.sqf, line 43
here ta line 43:
while {(_spawnOnStart <= 0) AND {(time < _timeToSpawn)}} do {
sleep (_frequency / 4);

// Percentage roll
43- if (random 1 <= _spawnChance) then {
_debugarea = getMarkerPos "respawn_west";
_crash = _crashModel createVehicleLocal _debugarea;
sleep 0.01;
_width = ((boundingBox _crash) select 0) select 0;
_length = ((boundingBox _crash) select 0) select 1;
I got it working , and yes i had the loot_init ...messed up , thanks for telling me , i can spawn everything but this

the : _config : configfile to missionconfig file is necessary 100%


this guns are not banned in the dayz_anim but still not spawning , maybe the another class name will work?
When I start my dayZ server I'm not sure why but only recently has it started to say File mpmissions\dayz_1.chernarus\CfgLoot.hpp, line 74: Config: '{' after food[] = {

Then it kicks me from the server, can someone please help me
You erased something when you added something .... look the original and compare.

use notepad ++

look for the { } ,
You erased something when you added something .... look the original and compare.

use notepad ++

look for the { } ,

Yeah, thanks I didn't really understand what it meant because you've probably heard this a lot but I'm kinda new to PBO editing so yeah, but thanks for the help :)
Hey so I followed the guide step by step, but I get to the Requesting Authentication and it goes to retry and then it disconnects me. Any idea way? I need some help please.
I am getting this error, it seems a couple others are too, but cant seem to find a fix. Any ideas? This is killing my rpt log. Thanks.

10:10:25 Error in expression <) select 1) * 100);
for "_k" from 0 to (_weight - 1) do {
_weighted set [_j + _k>
10:10:25 Error position: <_weight - 1) do {
_weighted set [_j + _k>
10:10:25 Error Undefined variable in expression: _weight
10:10:25 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\loot\loot_init.sqf, line 46
10:10:25 Error in expression < 0 to (_weight - 1) do {
_weighted set [_j + _k, _l];
_j = _j + _weight;
10:10:25 Error position: <_j + _k, _l];
_j = _j + _weight;
Drago 13 Use the original loot_init.sqf , do not put missionconfigfile on it , and it works , thats it , if you want to test it try it by putting a medbox0 in the hospital using 1.0 chance , and will work.
Ok so I fixed the first issue. Now there still isn't any industrial and vehicle loot spawning. How do i fix that loot so it spawns help please.
Drago 13 Use the original loot_init.sqf , do not put missionconfigfile on it , and it works , thats it , if you want to test it try it by putting a medbox0 in the hospital using 1.0 chance , and will work.
Thanks Bro, I will give it a try..

Thanks for your job on this Tutorial.

But i have a problem, my server run on Taviana.com 2.0, so i haven't some on files you linked in dayz_code.pbo :


and the files :
  • dayz_code\Configs\CfgLoot\CfgBuildingLoot.hpp
  • dayz_code\Configs\CfgLoot\CfgBuildingPos.hpp
  • dayz_code\Configs\CfgLoot\CfgLoot.hpp
how can i custom loot tables and adjusting spawn whitout this files ?
I'm using this tutorial and one more (auto refuel) on my server and for some reason Side Chat will not work with these installed? Could this Custom Loot be causing this issue? I am certain that I have Side Chat enabled on my Dayz.St Control Panel.
to re-enable side chat, go into your description.ext file and around line 8, you should have
that will put side chat back in.
ok so i've been at this for around 12 hours now and its really stating to get to me.

I only got my server 2 days ago so I'm kinda new to all of this

I'm trying to get NO trash loot to spawn (yet its still EVERYWHERE).
I tried to get LESS zombies around towns (yet they are EVERYWHERE).
I tried to get medical crates to spawn in hospitals (only trash spawns in there).

any help would be much appreciated, I will upload my dayz_mission folder for anyone that would have the time and patients to help me.................thank you in advance.

It's not working for me. I get no errors in RPT, but I also get no zombies spawning and no loot. Ran around in the server for 10+ minutes and nothing. Gonna try again later tonight. Stoopid work comes first! :p
Hello ive tried to follow your instructions and i have all the configurations done right but when it comes to packing up the files how should i do it i get confused? all i did was after copying and editing all the files you said i just replaced them with the original ones in the folders. Was the fixes folder be a independent one and was just going to be added to the server? or was i suppose to replace the old ones with the new edits? Sorry about the inconvenience its my first time messing with dayz server files. Edit: im also getting a blackscreen and it says waiting for host :(
Here is my mission file. As it sits now, the game loads, I can get into the map fine. But I get no zombies and no loot. Also, there are no errors in the RPT. Can someone tear into this and see what I'm missing? Thanks in advance for the help!

Trinity Mission File PBO
Ok, I am trying to follow this thing but for the life of me can't find a Cfgbuildingloot.hpp in my dayz_code.

Running Fallujah.
Here is my mission file. As it sits now, the game loads, I can get into the map fine. But I get no zombies and no loot. Also, there are no errors in the RPT. Can someone tear into this and see what I'm missing? Thanks in advance for the help!

Trinity Mission File PBO

Don't know if this would cause a problem: you are loading two different compiles.sqf in your init