two servers on one computer

change ports for the secondary server of the arma2 server and the sql server and then change appropriate config files.

do you need a more indepth explanation on how to do this?
You don't need to copy and rename the armaoa2server.exe file.

1. Copy&paste @hive main dir and rename to @hive2.
2. Create directories for server # 1 and # 2 settings. If you are using Pwnoz0r server files then copy&paste cfgdayz dir and rename to e.g cfgdayz2.
3. Ceate shortcuts on your desktop to run both servers such as:
server 1
armaoa2server.exe -port=2302 -mod=@dayz;@hive -config=cfgdayz\server.cfg -cfg=cfgdayz\arma.cfg -profiles=cfgdayz

server 2
armaoa2server.exe -port=2312 -mod=@dayz;@hive2 -config=cfgdayz2\server.cfg -cfg=cfgdayz2\arma.cfg -profiles=cfgdayz2
Also check this

4. There remains the question of the MySQL server configuration and databases for both servers. Which SQL server do you use? Built in Pwnoz0r server files or some other (Xammp, Oracle MySQL)?
You don't need two @hive folders. You need two cfgdayz folders...
You need two @hive directories if you want to have each server running on a separate database.
One db for a single server provides greater transparency.

I have 3 servers and they all work in one directory with one file arma2oaserver.exe. In addition, for each of the servers I have a separate directory server settings, @ hive and the database, e.g:
Server # 1
hive= @hive
server settings = srv1
server database = srv1

Server # 2
hive = @hive2
server settings = srv2
server database = srv2

Server # 3
hive = @hive3
server settings = srv3
server database = srv3
You don't need two hive directories. The HiveEXT.ini is saved in the cfgdayz folder, you only need two cfg folders, eg cfgdayz and cfgdayz2. I know this 100% as I am running multiple servers with one @hive with multiple databases. Usage of multiple @Hive addons is unnecessary
I was thinking about doing it differently then this. I was going to make a copy of the whole arma2 directory and run a second instance from there. Change up the ports and db names etc. That way you can test different beta version etc without affecting one of the other instances. Sure this takes up more space but it ensures that if you mess about with one server your not screwing with the other. I'm going to set my test server up this way. Anyone else do it this way?